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7 Things Men Want In A Relationship



7 Things Men Want In A Relationship |

Expressing their needs within an intimate relationship is often a challenge for men.

Whether influenced by societal norms or struggling to articulate their needs, men, typically the less vocal participants in such relationships, often endure silently when their emotional needs are unmet by their partners.

Regardless of your gender, reading this article will provide deeper insights into yourself or your partner, illuminating the needs within your intimate relationship.

Let’s put an end to unnecessary conflicts arising from miscommunication, nights lacking intimacy, and emotional shutdowns.

By delving into the following tips, we guarantee that your perspective on your relationship will undergo a transformative shift.

Here are 7 things that men seek in a relationship:

1. Praise And Approval

Men are often known for having delicate egos. Regular reassurance about various aspects, such as ourselves, our career paths, our effectiveness as partners, our sexual abilities, and our appeal, is something we appreciate.

While it’s true that men may require less frequent verbal praise compared to their female counterparts, expressing admiration doesn’t have to be a calculated exchange. Why not just embrace more positivity?

So, ladies, let your admiration flow freely. Communicate to your man what you find appealing about him. Share your favourite physical features of his.

Tell him when you find it attractive how he expresses himself, achieves something, or takes you on a date. Your praise won’t inflate his ego; instead, it will foster a sense of being loved.

And here’s a bonus: the more you acknowledge his positives, the more you’ll notice and appreciate them.

 2. Respect

Respect is akin to love for men. If a man senses disapproval, whether it’s directed at him, his career, or the values he holds dear, it becomes challenging for him to trust and feel loved.

The underlying thought is, “If she doesn’t respect my core identity, how can she genuinely desire what’s best for me?”

7 Things Men Want In A Relationship |

Respecting your man goes beyond conventional gestures. Actions like reheating dinner or handling dry cleaning might be considerate but don’t necessarily translate to respect – they’re nice, but respect is more like oxygen to men.

Why aren’t such actions seen as signs of respect and appreciation? If, while doing something nice, you conveyed doubt or contradicted him, you were essentially questioning his competence.

To truly show your man respect, demonstrate your confidence in his abilities.

If a man’s partner fails to respect his life path or mission, he’ll likely feel compelled to distance himself, fostering an anxious disconnect.

3. A Sense Of Sexual Connection

Men and women connect through both sex and communication, but generally, women connect better through talking, while men connect better through sex.

This doesn’t mean men need sex every day to feel connected. Often, men connect through signs of sexuality as much as through the act itself.

For men, initiating sex is a way to ensure their partner is still sexually available. So, if your man reaches out for you, simply showing willingness to embrace, kiss, and engage can make him feel loved.

The challenge arises when there’s a lack of awareness. The woman may not feel like opening up sexually until she feels connected emotionally, but the man might find it hard to communicate because they haven’t been physical.

Avoid these unintentional standoffs by talking with your partner about what specifically makes them feel most loved.

4. Emotional Intimacy

From a young age, men are ingrained with the idea of avoiding any display of weakness. This includes refraining from complaints, sharing fears or concerns, and expressing self-doubt or worry.

7 Things Men Want In A Relationship |

A man’s partner should ideally serve as a haven. It’s the space where he can reveal vulnerabilities and allow his partner to contribute to his healing. Just as women may take time to open up sexually in a relationship, men gradually unfold emotionally.

The first time a man sheds tears in front of his partner, it’s crucial that the response is nurturing and supportive. If he perceives a negative reaction or a lack of understanding, he might withdraw and no longer trust his partner with his emotions, creating a distance in the relationship.

In this scenario, both partners suffer — he internalizes his struggles, feeling flawed and imperfect, while she is kept emotionally at a distance.

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5. Space

In many relationships, the feminine-associated female partner desires more time together, while the masculine-associated male partner seeks more time apart. Achieving a perfect balance is challenging; it requires managing the dynamics of closeness and separateness.

It’s crucial not to suffocate a man by denying him free time or displaying overly jealous behaviour – this can quickly lead to the demise of a relationship. Men require breathing room; they value time for hobbies, with friends, and to work on personal projects for fulfilment.

Traditionally, when women faced problems, they sought support within the tribe – connecting with friends and family. In contrast, when men encounter challenges, they often prefer solitude to contemplate solutions.

So, give him space. Allow him time to breathe. Let him pursue his interests. A man returns happier when he feels trusted and knows you respect the strength of your bond enough to grant him the freedom he needs.

6. Physical Touch

Men require regular non-sexual touch along with a sense of sexual connection.

For example, if a man is engrossed in a task and his partner lovingly touches his neck and hair from behind, he can feel just as loved as if they had engaged in sexual intimacy, perhaps even more, depending on his mood.

7 Things Men Want In A Relationship |

This type of touch is seen as a form of physical love, conveying the message, “I love you, and I want you to feel happy always. Know that I’m here for you, and I care for you deeply”.

7. Security

Both men and women are drawn to certainty in a relationship. When a man senses that his partner is committed for the long term, he becomes more willing to open up, provided he shares the same level of commitment.

However, the sense of security extends beyond just staying together. It involves feeling assured that his partner approves of him and supports his career choices. Non-sexual touches throughout the day contribute to his feelings of security and love.

Allowing him to have his time with his friends without constant check-ins also fosters a sense of security. Ultimately, a partner who takes intentional steps to love him in the way he needs reinforces his overall sense of security in the relationship.

How To Give Him What He Needs

Where do you stand in your relationship?

If you’re a man reading this, do you feel that all your needs are being met? Is there something you could communicate to your partner for a potential improvement? (Consider sharing this article with her.) For those in a relationship with a man, how can you enhance your expressions of love? Which aspects mentioned here can you incorporate more into your relationship?

For more insights on building emotionally mature and fulfilling relationships, explore additional articles on We cover various topics such as sex, love, relationship tips, and more. Dive into our relationships category for articles that contribute to a more satisfying love life.


What Your Handshake Says About Your Health



What Your Handshake Says About Your Health |

A humble handshake seems like such a simple gesture, a routine part of introductions and greetings. But beneath that brief exchange of palms can lie a surprising wealth of information. While it certainly serves as a social formality, a handshake can also be a silent conversation, conveying details about a person that might otherwise go unnoticed.

The strength of a handshake, for instance, can be a subtle indicator of overall health and well-being. A firm grip might suggest good muscle tone and fitness, while a weak handshake could hint at underlying medical conditions like arthritis or neurological issues.

The duration of a handshake can also be telling. A brief brush of the palms might signal someone impatient or uncomfortable with physical contact, whereas a lingering handshake could indicate someone eager to connect or perhaps even domineering.

Even the feel of someone’s hand can be informative. A sweaty palm might suggest nervousness or anxiety, while dry hands could be a sign of dehydration or certain medications.

Of course, it’s important to remember that these are subtle clues. A weak handshake could simply be due to someone having a bad day, and a sweaty palm might be a result of a warm room. The key is to be aware of these nonverbal cues and to use them alongside other social cues to get a more well-rounded impression of the person you’re meeting.

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Body Languages: How To Look More Confident And Assertive



Body Language: Look More Confident And Assertive |

Being confident is about more than just putting on a facade of strength or making a lot of noise to announce your presence. It’s about projecting an air of confident body language, assertiveness and self-assurance, even when you may not necessarily feel confident on the inside.

One effective way to achieve this is by mastering the art of body language. It can significantly influence how others perceive you. By learning and implementing certain body language, you can enhance your charisma and appear more confident in various social and professional situations.

1. Maintain strong posture

One of the most fundamental aspects of confident body language is maintaining a strong posture. Stand tall with your shoulders back and your head held high.

Avoid slouching or hunching over, as this can convey insecurity and lack of confidence. By standing upright and taking up space, you’ll appear more self-assured and assertive to those around you.

2. Make eye contact

Eye contact is a powerful tool for conveying confidence and establishing rapport with others. When speaking to someone, maintain steady eye contact to show that you’re engaged and attentive.

Avoiding eye contact can be perceived as shyness or insecurity. So make a conscious effort to connect with others through your gaze. However, be mindful not to stare excessively, as this can come across as intimidating or aggressive.

3. Use open body language

Open body language signals approachability and confidence. Avoid crossing your arms or legs, as this can create a barrier between you and others.

Instead, keep your arms relaxed at your sides or use expressive gestures to emphasize your points. Face the person you’re speaking to directly and lean in slightly to show interest and engagement in the conversation.

4. Speak clearly and confidently

Your verbal communication also plays a crucial role in projecting confidence. Speak slowly and clearly, and avoid using filler words such as “um” or “uh,” which can undermine your message.

Practice speaking with conviction and authority, even if you’re unsure of yourself internally. By delivering your words with confidence, you’ll command attention and respect from those around you.

5. Genuine smile 

A genuine smile is a superpower! It tells everyone around you that you’re friendly, approachable, and confident. But ditch the fake grin – it can come across as insincere.

Here’s the trick: Look for ways to smile naturally. Maybe there’s something funny about the room, or perhaps you strike up a conversation with someone interesting. If nervousness hits, try finding a distraction.

Focus on something positive in your surroundings, or strike up a conversation with someone you find interesting. This can take your mind off your anxiety and help a real smile emerge.

6. Firm handshake

A handshake can speak volumes. A firm handshake shows confidence and respect. Here’s how to avoid sending the wrong message:

  • Too soft? Shy signal: A limp handshake might make you seem shy or uninterested.
  • Too hard? Hold back: A super strong handshake can come across as aggressive.

The key is to find a happy medium. Shake hands firmly, but not bone-crushingly so. Here’s a tip: imagine shaking hands with someone you respect, but you don’t want to hurt.

Another trick? Initiate the handshake from your elbow, not just your wrist. This gives a more natural and controlled movement. Finally, try to match the other person’s grip strength – no need for a handshake arm wrestle.

By incorporating these body language tricks into your interactions, you can project charisma and confidence, even in situations where you may not feel entirely sure of yourself.

Remember that confidence is not just about how you feel—it’s also about how you present yourself to the world. With practice and awareness, you can develop the skills to exude confidence and make a positive impression in any setting.

If you liked this article, read more here.

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These Gym Equipments Are Dirtier Than You Think



These Gym Equipments Are Dirtier Than You Think |

The gym is a hub of activity, a place where people from all walks of life come together to work out, improve their fitness, and boost their overall health. But amidst the hustle and the clanging of weights, a hidden enemy lurks: germs.

A surprising 2017 study conducted across three different gyms shed light on a shocking truth: certain gym equipment can harbour more bacteria than a toilet seat, especially if proper cleaning protocols aren’t followed. This is because this equipment endures a constant barrage of use throughout the day.

Multiple people come into contact with the surfaces, leaving behind a not-so-friendly cocktail of sweat, skin cells, and other bodily fluids.

While working out is undeniably good for your health, it’s important to be aware of the potential germ hotspots you might encounter. So, let’s take a closer look at the top germ offenders at the gym and how you can take steps to protect yourself from these microscopic menaces:

1. The weight bench

How to Use a Weight Bench to Build Muscle Faster

The weight bench might seem like a harmless slab of metal and padding, but it can be a prime breeding ground for bacteria. Imagine this: you’re about to perform a set of chest presses. You adjust the bench, settle in, and grip the barbell. But unknowingly, you might be coming into contact with a layer of germs left behind by the previous gymgoer who used the bench without wiping it down.

The combination of sweat, dead skin cells, and even fleeting coughs or sneezes can leave a microscopic residue on the surface. This is especially true for adjustable benches that see a lot of daily traffic.

2. The free weights

Pros & Cons: Free Weights vs. Machines - Simply Gym

Free weights are a popular choice at the gym, but they can also be a breeding ground for bacteria. Here’s why:

  • High traffic: Many people use free weights throughout the day, and with each person comes the potential for germs. Sweat, dead skin cells, and even fleeting coughs or sneezes can leave a microscopic residue on the weights.
  • Uncertain hygiene: We can’t always be sure how clean everyone’s hands are at the gym. This lack of certainty increases the risk of bacteria spreading from person to person through contact with the weights.

This is a concern because certain types of bacteria can cause health problems. The study mentioned gram-negative bacteria, which have been found on free weights. These bacteria can be responsible for:

  • Pneumonia: This is a serious lung infection that can cause difficulty breathing, fever, and chills.
  • Skin infections: These can range from mild (think minor cuts or rashes) to more serious (like cellulitis).
  • Blood infections: In rare cases, bacteria from contaminated equipment can enter the bloodstream and cause a potentially life-threatening infection.

What can you do? Here are some tips to help you stay safe:

  • Wipe down the weights before and after use: Most gyms provide disinfectant wipes for this purpose.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly: Do this both before and after your workout, especially after using free weights.
  • Bring your own workout towel: You can use this to create a barrier between your skin and the equipment.

By taking these simple precautions, you can minimise your risk of encountering germs at the gym and enjoy a safe and healthy workout.

3. Treadmills

What You Should Know About The 12-3-30 Treadmill Workout, 43% OFF

Treadmills might be a popular choice for cardio at the gym, but they can also harbour surprising amounts of germs. This is because:

  • Many people use treadmills throughout the day, and with each person comes the potential for sweat, skin cells, and even respiratory droplets to land on the machine. This constant barrage can create a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Just because you can’t see dirt on a treadmill doesn’t mean it’s clean. A study revealed that treadmills can have 74 times more bacteria than a typical bathroom sink faucet! That’s a significant difference, considering how often we wash our hands with soap and water at the sink.

What can you do?

  • Wipe down the treadmill before and after use. Focus on areas like the handrails, control panel, and belt.
  • Bring a workout towel. Use it to absorb sweat and create a barrier between your skin and the machine’s surface.
  • Wear clean workout clothes and shoes. This helps minimise the transfer of germs from your clothes or shoes to the equipment.

4. The elliptical bike

Elliptical vs Running: Is This Machine Good for Cross Training?

Elliptical trainers, like free weights, can become germ magnets. Multiple users throughout the day leave behind sweat, skin cells, and other potential contaminants as they grip the handlebars and navigate the pedals. This constant contact can create a breeding ground for bacteria.

The good news is that protecting yourself is simple. Most gyms provide disinfectant wipes or spray bottles specifically designed for cleaning equipment.

Before you hop on the elliptical, take a quick moment to wipe down the handlebars, seat, and any other surfaces you’ll be touching during your workout. This small step can significantly reduce your exposure to germs and help keep the equipment clean for everyone who uses it.

By wiping down the equipment before and after use, we can all help create a cleaner and safer workout environment for everyone at the gym.

Read more here.

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