Renowned Nigerian theatre personality Bolanle Austen-Peters will introduce the inaugural Lagos International Theatre Festival (LITF) in November 2024. This groundbreaking event, a joint initiative between Austen-Peters...
In Nigeria, there’s a special kind of magic that you can’t just see. It’s a feeling. I want to share this Nigerian magic with you through...
Nigeria is a country with a rich and diverse musical heritage. The many different music genres that have emerged from the country reflect this diversity. Some...
Nigeria, a melting pot of various cultures, is renowned for its vibrant and captivating festivals. These Nigerian festivals are more than just entertainment; they are vital...
Nigeria is a country with over 250 ethnic groups. This diversity is vividly reflected in the traditional clothing of its people, where different ethnicities have their...
Microsoft built the quietest room on earth at their headquarters in Redmond, Washington. This special room is called an anechoic chamber and cost $10 million to...
Nike Okundaye, the Director of Nike Art Gallery recently made a statement about challenges in the art industry. According to her, the biggest challenge artists face...