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5 Ways Stress Affects Your Sex Life



Stress doesn’t just influence your mindset it can also impact you physically as well. Stress can cause havoc on a person’s body, It can affect many different body systems and do damage if a person is under chronic stress.

Stress has the ability to cause damage to our physical, emotional, and relationship health more than we realize. Furthermore, Stress attack on the libido is innate

Stress increases your body’s most important functions for survival, like blood flow and increased heart rate, while diminishing non-essential functions, like sex.  The effects of stress are insidious

If you’re stressed for extended periods of time, chances are your sex life will begin to suffer, which only adds to your to already high stress levels.

So here are 5 ways stress affects your sex life.

It Has a Direct Impact on the Hormones

Your stress drive can plummet because of stress. It sends out cortisol into our bodies, which is a hormone that can suppress sex hormones, Also, in moments of high stress, we go into a fight or flight response and tend to think about survival. The pressure of work, the need to pay bills, and the fear of losing a job often moves sex to the back of our minds

Chronic stress can cause the body to produce too much of the hormone cortisol, which can lower the libido. The hormones produced when an individual is stressed can impact metabolism, which can in turn lead to weight fluctuations.

 If we don’t like our bodies, it is makes it difficult to find the desire to have sex. A Lower self-image equals less sex and less sex creates relationship problems

Stress takes a toll on your libido
We know that hormones affect our bodies system in various ways from childhood to adolescence, pregnancy, menopause and beyond. Cortisol is one of the hormones produced by stress. Our bodies need this hormone, but in small doses for short bursts of time. If higher levels of Cortisol are being produced for a prolonged period of time, they suppress our sex hormones. Lower quantity of sex hormones means lower libido.

 It makes you question your relationships and your partner
When we are stressed, we are not that pleasant to be around. Nobody wants a partner who snaps at them because he or she is overwhelmed, and you don’t want to be the one who incites those feelings of frustration in someone that you love either. Nobody wants to go to bed with an emotional monster so relationships suffer when we are stressed, especially if we stop communicating.

Closeness is replaced by absence
The damage stress can cause to our sex lives cannot be overemphasized.  Your sexuality is not only affected by hormones, but also by social, relational, and psychological factors. When the stress hormones sets in, closeness is replaced by absence. It is almost impossible to be present, to listen and to be interested in the people around you  if you’re feeling stressed out. It’s hard to deal with anyone but yourself.

The stress hormones pumping through the body are encouraging you to either fight or run. This can even lead to you being aggressive towards your partner. You might start to snap at them or yell at them. The people you normally love having around you can suddenly feel like a source of irritation because they demand time with you. This leads to low level of intimacy between you and your partner.

Stress impacts our fertility and our menstrual cycle

When we are stressed, our hormones levels take a dive

Stress can impact our pituitary gland, which controls the thyroid, adrenal glands and ovaries. If our ovaries aren’t functioning properly, the menstrual cycle is adversely affected. Periods may become irregular or inconsistent that may lead to stoppage of menstrual flow.

If you are trying to get pregnant, you need to decrease your stress. This can be difficult, because there are few things more stressful than trying to become pregnant and not being able to do so.



Making The Most Of The Rainy Season: Health And Safety Tips



Rainy season: health and safety tips for the season |

The rainy season has arrived in Nigeria, bringing mixed emotions for many. While some welcome the break from the scorching heat and enjoy the cosy atmosphere with a hot drink, others know it can bring challenges.

There’s a definite upside to the cooler weather. People can finally ditch the air conditioners and fans, leading to lower electricity bills. But the rainy season also brings health concerns. Flu, colds, and other illnesses tend to spread more easily during this time.

Unfortunately, Nigeria’s infrastructure sometimes struggles with heavy rain. Flooding, landslides, and even droughts can occur in some areas, especially where proper drainage systems and planning are lacking.

Increased traffic accidents are another worry during the rainy season due to slippery roads and reduced visibility. Power outages can also become more frequent.

So, while the rainy season offers a break from the heat, it’s important to be prepared to navigate its challenges. By taking some safety precautions, you can make the most of this time and stay safe. Let’s explore some of these precautions now to help you have a smooth rainy season.

1. Lock windows & fix leakages

Imagine this: you arrive home after a long day at work, only to be greeted by a disaster. Water is everywhere—floors are soaked, furniture is ruined. This is the kind of nightmare scenario that heavy rain can bring if your home isn’t prepared for the downpour.

The rainy season is a time to be extra cautious. Don’t make the mistake of assuming your windows are closed; double-check them before you leave the house. Even a small gap can let in a surprising amount of water.

Also, be proactive with any leaks you notice around the house. Don’t wait until the rain comes; address those leaks as soon as possible. Taking these simple steps can prevent a major headache (and a potentially expensive repair job) down the line.

2. Wash and dry clothes only when you are home

The rainy season throws a curveball at laundry routines. Since sudden downpours can happen at any time, forget about hanging clothes outside to dry when you’re not home. There’s a high chance they’ll get soaked, leaving you with a mess to deal with.

Not only will your clothes be damp and unpleasant to wear, but rain can also cause mildew growth. This mildew can leave behind stubborn stains and force you to rewash everything. To avoid this frustration, it’s best only to hang clothes outside to dry when you’ll be home for a while and can bring them in quickly if it starts to rain.

3. Keep an umbrella or raincoat handy

The rainy season is known for its unpredictable downpours. Being prepared is key to staying dry and healthy.

Always keep a portable umbrella or raincoat on hand when you head out. Getting caught in a sudden shower can lead to a quick drop in body temperature. This can make you more susceptible to catching a cold or even getting a fever.

If you have children, consider packing a light sweater in their backpack. An extra layer can be a lifesaver if they get unexpectedly soaked.

4. Prepare for a power outage

The rainy season can be rough on electronics, especially with strong winds and thunderstorms that often cause power outages. Here’s how to be prepared:

  • Consider an inverter: If you don’t already have one, an inverter can be a lifesaver during power cuts. It converts battery power into usable electricity, allowing you to keep essential appliances like lights and refrigerators running.

  • Check your existing inverter: If you do have an inverter, take a moment to make sure it’s in good working order. A quick inspection can prevent a frustrating situation when the power goes out.

  • Service your generator: Generators are another great option for keeping your home powered during outages. Schedule a service for your generator before the rainy season hits to ensure it’s running smoothly and ready to go when you need it.

  • Protect your generator: Don’t forget to give your generator some TLC as well. Invest in a weatherproof cover to shield it from rain and wind during operation. This will help keep it running efficiently and prevent damage.

5. Stock up on food, beverages and medication

Rainy weather can sometimes leave you stuck indoors for longer than expected. To be prepared for these situations:

  • Stock up on essentials: Make sure you have enough non-perishable food, bottled water, and any medications you need on hand. This way, you won’t be caught off guard if bad weather forces you to stay home.

  • Boost your immune system: The rainy season can bring with it an increased risk of catching colds and other illnesses. To fight this off, focus on keeping your immune system strong. Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Consider taking a daily multivitamin as well for an extra boost.

  • Stay warm and cosy: Rain often brings cooler temperatures. To stay comfortable on rainy days, have a plan for keeping warm. Cosy blankets, warm socks, and a steaming mug of your favourite hot beverage can make a big difference. A hot cup of coffee in the morning can be especially helpful for getting you energised for a rainy workday.

6. Drive slowly and carefully

The rainy season can be a dangerous time on the roads. Rain makes roads slick and much more difficult to grip. This means it takes longer to stop your car, so avoid speeding at all costs.

When the roads are wet, maintaining a safe following distance from the car in front of you is even more important. If they slam on their brakes suddenly, you’ll need extra space to come to a safe stop without a collision. Avoid tailgating completely during the rainy season.

What do you like most about the rainy season? Do you prefer the rainy season or another season? Why? tell us in the comment section.

For more articles like this, check here.

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What Your Handshake Says About Your Health



What Your Handshake Says About Your Health |

A humble handshake seems like such a simple gesture, a routine part of introductions and greetings. But beneath that brief exchange of palms can lie a surprising wealth of information. While it certainly serves as a social formality, a handshake can also be a silent conversation, conveying details about a person that might otherwise go unnoticed.

The strength of a handshake, for instance, can be a subtle indicator of overall health and well-being. A firm grip might suggest good muscle tone and fitness, while a weak handshake could hint at underlying medical conditions like arthritis or neurological issues.

The duration of a handshake can also be telling. A brief brush of the palms might signal someone impatient or uncomfortable with physical contact, whereas a lingering handshake could indicate someone eager to connect or perhaps even domineering.

Even the feel of someone’s hand can be informative. A sweaty palm might suggest nervousness or anxiety, while dry hands could be a sign of dehydration or certain medications.

Of course, it’s important to remember that these are subtle clues. A weak handshake could simply be due to someone having a bad day, and a sweaty palm might be a result of a warm room. The key is to be aware of these nonverbal cues and to use them alongside other social cues to get a more well-rounded impression of the person you’re meeting.

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These Gym Equipments Are Dirtier Than You Think



These Gym Equipments Are Dirtier Than You Think |

The gym is a hub of activity, a place where people from all walks of life come together to work out, improve their fitness, and boost their overall health. But amidst the hustle and the clanging of weights, a hidden enemy lurks: germs.

A surprising 2017 study conducted across three different gyms shed light on a shocking truth: certain gym equipment can harbour more bacteria than a toilet seat, especially if proper cleaning protocols aren’t followed. This is because this equipment endures a constant barrage of use throughout the day.

Multiple people come into contact with the surfaces, leaving behind a not-so-friendly cocktail of sweat, skin cells, and other bodily fluids.

While working out is undeniably good for your health, it’s important to be aware of the potential germ hotspots you might encounter. So, let’s take a closer look at the top germ offenders at the gym and how you can take steps to protect yourself from these microscopic menaces:

1. The weight bench

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The weight bench might seem like a harmless slab of metal and padding, but it can be a prime breeding ground for bacteria. Imagine this: you’re about to perform a set of chest presses. You adjust the bench, settle in, and grip the barbell. But unknowingly, you might be coming into contact with a layer of germs left behind by the previous gymgoer who used the bench without wiping it down.

The combination of sweat, dead skin cells, and even fleeting coughs or sneezes can leave a microscopic residue on the surface. This is especially true for adjustable benches that see a lot of daily traffic.

2. The free weights

Pros & Cons: Free Weights vs. Machines - Simply Gym

Free weights are a popular choice at the gym, but they can also be a breeding ground for bacteria. Here’s why:

  • High traffic: Many people use free weights throughout the day, and with each person comes the potential for germs. Sweat, dead skin cells, and even fleeting coughs or sneezes can leave a microscopic residue on the weights.
  • Uncertain hygiene: We can’t always be sure how clean everyone’s hands are at the gym. This lack of certainty increases the risk of bacteria spreading from person to person through contact with the weights.

This is a concern because certain types of bacteria can cause health problems. The study mentioned gram-negative bacteria, which have been found on free weights. These bacteria can be responsible for:

  • Pneumonia: This is a serious lung infection that can cause difficulty breathing, fever, and chills.
  • Skin infections: These can range from mild (think minor cuts or rashes) to more serious (like cellulitis).
  • Blood infections: In rare cases, bacteria from contaminated equipment can enter the bloodstream and cause a potentially life-threatening infection.

What can you do? Here are some tips to help you stay safe:

  • Wipe down the weights before and after use: Most gyms provide disinfectant wipes for this purpose.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly: Do this both before and after your workout, especially after using free weights.
  • Bring your own workout towel: You can use this to create a barrier between your skin and the equipment.

By taking these simple precautions, you can minimise your risk of encountering germs at the gym and enjoy a safe and healthy workout.

3. Treadmills

What You Should Know About The 12-3-30 Treadmill Workout, 43% OFF

Treadmills might be a popular choice for cardio at the gym, but they can also harbour surprising amounts of germs. This is because:

  • Many people use treadmills throughout the day, and with each person comes the potential for sweat, skin cells, and even respiratory droplets to land on the machine. This constant barrage can create a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Just because you can’t see dirt on a treadmill doesn’t mean it’s clean. A study revealed that treadmills can have 74 times more bacteria than a typical bathroom sink faucet! That’s a significant difference, considering how often we wash our hands with soap and water at the sink.

What can you do?

  • Wipe down the treadmill before and after use. Focus on areas like the handrails, control panel, and belt.
  • Bring a workout towel. Use it to absorb sweat and create a barrier between your skin and the machine’s surface.
  • Wear clean workout clothes and shoes. This helps minimise the transfer of germs from your clothes or shoes to the equipment.

4. The elliptical bike

Elliptical vs Running: Is This Machine Good for Cross Training?

Elliptical trainers, like free weights, can become germ magnets. Multiple users throughout the day leave behind sweat, skin cells, and other potential contaminants as they grip the handlebars and navigate the pedals. This constant contact can create a breeding ground for bacteria.

The good news is that protecting yourself is simple. Most gyms provide disinfectant wipes or spray bottles specifically designed for cleaning equipment.

Before you hop on the elliptical, take a quick moment to wipe down the handlebars, seat, and any other surfaces you’ll be touching during your workout. This small step can significantly reduce your exposure to germs and help keep the equipment clean for everyone who uses it.

By wiping down the equipment before and after use, we can all help create a cleaner and safer workout environment for everyone at the gym.

Read more here.

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