Kunle Afolayan has revealed the official poster for his Netflix series, ‘Anikulapo: Rise of the Spectre.’ Afolayan shared the poster on his Instagram today, presenting a...
Category: Nollywood Movie Title: Merry Men 3: Nemesis Release Date: 13 October, 2023 Director: Moses Inwang Runtime: 2 hours, 11 minutes Cast: AY Makun, Ramsey Nouah, William...
The 96th Academy Awards are here. Find out which of your favourites from the biggest blockbuster movies and short films of 2023 have been nominated for...
Nigerian films “Mojisola” and “This Is Lagos” have recently earned a spot in the lineup for the 2024 Pan African Film Festival (PAFF), held in Los...
Misan Harriman, a Nigerian-British photographer, directed a short film titled “The After,” featuring David Oyelowo. The film has received a nomination in the Best Live-Action Short...
Kugali Media, in collaboration with Disney Animation, has officially announced February 28, 2024, as the launch date for the sci-fi series “Iwaju.” This confirmation coincided with...
The Yoruba epic film “Kesari,” produced by Ibrahim “Itele” Yekini, will not be available for streaming on Netflix in January, as initially announced. Despite earlier reports...
Renowned Nigerian disc jockey, DJ Cuppy, expresses joy as her billionaire father, Femi Otedola, secures the 20th spot on Forbes’s list of the top 20 richest...
Yemi Alade is called Mama Africa for a reason! The spectacle witnessed an electrifying performance at the 2024 AFCON Opening Ceremony. Nigeria’s Afrobeat queen, Yemi Alade,...
Renowned Nigerian comedian and actor Bright Okpocha, better known as Basket Mouth, is set to direct his first feature-length movie titled “A Ghetto Love Story,” and...