Nigerian films “Mojisola” and “This Is Lagos” have recently earned a spot in the lineup for the 2024 Pan African Film Festival (PAFF), held in Los...
Misan Harriman, a Nigerian-British photographer, directed a short film titled “The After,” featuring David Oyelowo. The film has received a nomination in the Best Live-Action Short...
Kugali Media, in collaboration with Disney Animation, has officially announced February 28, 2024, as the launch date for the sci-fi series “Iwaju.” This confirmation coincided with...
The Yoruba epic film “Kesari,” produced by Ibrahim “Itele” Yekini, will not be available for streaming on Netflix in January, as initially announced. Despite earlier reports...
Renowned Nigerian comedian and actor Bright Okpocha, better known as Basket Mouth, is set to direct his first feature-length movie titled “A Ghetto Love Story,” and...
Basketball star Giannis Antetokounmpo, of Greek-Nigerian descent, has revealed the release of his documentary film, “Giannis: The Marvelous Journey,” on Prime Video. Additionally, the Milwaukee Bucks...
Amazon Prime Video is undergoing a reorganisation of its international business, with a focus on European originals. This restructuring will involve cutting content and staff in...
“The After,” produced by Misan Harriman, a British Nigerian photographer and filmmaker, has won the Best Short Film category at the 2024 African-American Film Critics Award (AAFCA)....
The Nollywood movie “A Tribe Called Judah” is set to be screened in nine French-speaking countries this weekend. The announcement was made by Film One Entertainment,...
Nollywood and Kannywood may have just encountered a major shake-up as legendary Ali Nuhu has been appointed as the new Managing Director of the Nigerian Film...
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