Africa Magic is gearing up to launch its latest drama series, “Omera”, starring the legendary Akin Lewis and Desmond Bryce. This highly anticipated series is set...
Netflix has unveiled the official trailer for their upcoming comedy-drama series for young adults titled, “Miseducation“. The show boasts an impressive cast, including Buntu Petse, Lunga...
The Netflix series “Obsession” will be released today. The series is an erotic thriller and will have a total of 4 episodes. The series is based...
Fans of K-drama especially Squid game, Sweet home and All of us are dead are in luck. The new Korean series known as Duty After School...
Fans of India movies and series are definitely in luck as a wonderful series packed with drama and adventure is out and it’s titled “Taj: Divided...
The long-awaited Netflix series Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story has officially released its trailer giving the audience a glimpse of what to expect and it is...
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