“Blood Vessel” has secured its position on Netflix’s weekly global ranking list. In the data released for December 11-17, 2023, the Play Network’s production claimed the...
With the official announcement of the release date for the highly anticipated series “WAR: Wrath and Revenge”, Netflix has created the perfect environment for an exciting Christmas...
“The Origin: Madam Koi Koi” continues to secure its position as Nigeria’s most-watched show on Netflix, an achievement that has been maintained for an impressive three...
Baba Agba has been designated as the Minister of Art, Culture, and Creative Economy’s Special Assistant (SA) for Film and Music. On behalf of the Honourable...
The rights to “Olóládé,” a much-awaited original series that will debut on November 24th, have been acquired by Netflix. “Olóládé” is a tribute to Nollywood TV...
Showmax has secured victory in the intense competition for dominance in Africa’s rapidly growing streaming market, surpassing global giant Netflix with a substantial 40% market share,...
November promises to be a significant month for Netflix, with the release of some movies and series such as the final season of “The Crown“, as...
“Ijogbon” has surpassed its 10th position on Netflix’s top 10 non-English films globally. The latest data reveals that the movie accumulated 5.7 million hours of views...
Guess what!! “The Origin: Madam Koi Koi” a new horror TV series, is scheduled to premiere on Netflix on October 31st, get ready for a spine-tingling experience....
Kunle Afolayan‘s film “Ijogbon” has quickly climbed Netflix’s global non-English film chart, reaching the 8th spot in just two days after its release. Between October 13...
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