Category: Nollywood Movie Title: Merry Men 3: Nemesis Release Date: 13 October, 2023 Director: Moses Inwang Runtime: 2 hours, 11 minutes Cast: AY Makun, Ramsey Nouah, William...
‘A Tribe Called Judah‘ takes viewers on a journey through the deep relationships of a Nigerian family, expertly integrating aspects of drama, comedy, and suspense. Movie...
Blood Vessel is a roller coaster of emotions with an intriguing storyline that sets it apart as a mystery and crime thriller. Movie title: Blood Vessel...
From the very outset of the two-hour cinematic experience, “Breath of Life” distinguishes itself from typical Nollywood productions. Set in 2060s South-South Nigeria, the film puts...
“Ijogbon” movie was written by Tunde Babalola, and directed and produced by Kunle Afolayan. It was released on October 13, 2023 and runs for an hour...
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