The movie titled “A Tribe Called Judah” by Funke Akindele has achieved remarkable success, grossing an impressive sum of over ₦613 million within just two weeks...
Dimeji Ajibola‘s “Shanty Town” and Toka Mcbaror‘s “Underbelly” emerged as major winners at the 2023 Best of Nollywood (BON) Awards held in Osogbo. “Shanty Town” secured...
Christmas is a season synonymous with gift-giving, representing a heartfelt way to express love and goodwill towards family and friends. Beyond the delightful array of food...
Blood Vessel is a roller coaster of emotions with an intriguing storyline that sets it apart as a mystery and crime thriller. Movie title: Blood Vessel...
Media personality Toke Makinwa sparked a social media frenzy with her recent podcast, where she shared strategic tips for women aiming to attract high-profile men during the...
Nigerian singer, Peruzzi recently shared insights into his decision to discontinue his medical school journey during his final year. In a conversation on the Zero Conditions...
Does your city in Africa stand out in terms of economic, social, cultural, and environmental competitiveness? Numerous cities across the African continent provide appealing environments for...
Livewire Concerts, an international entertainment company in Nigeria, is set to make waves by launching its flagship all-female concert on December 17, 2023, themed “A Night...
Last night, on December 12, 2023, a stellar ensemble graced the premiere of “Ada Omo Daddy“, a film by Mercy Aigbe Adeoti, marking her return to...
Google’s list of the most searched topics and individuals in Nigeria for 2023 revealed that Asake’s “Lonely At The Top” garnered the highest number of searches...
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