On October 27, the eagerly awaited comedy-thriller movie ‘Small Talk’ directed by Biodun Stephen, will make its official debut in theatres. With the collaboration of FilmOne...
Damilola Adegbite, Anne Icha, Meg Otanwa, and Beverly Naya, who played a close-knit group of friends in the 2015 hit film “Before 30,” are back on...
The highly anticipated African International Film Festival (AFRIFF) 2023 will feature the screening of “Yours Forever,” a compelling short film. Set to be held in Lagos...
The Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF) is gearing up for its 12th edition scheduled for November 5 to November 11, 2023, in Lagos State. For this...
“Ijogbon” movie was written by Tunde Babalola, and directed and produced by Kunle Afolayan. It was released on October 13, 2023 and runs for an hour...
Prime Video will launch a new African original series called “Ebuka Turns Up Africa“. It features the Nigerian star, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu. This travel-reality show will take...
Kunle Afolayan‘s film “Ijogbon” has quickly climbed Netflix’s global non-English film chart, reaching the 8th spot in just two days after its release. Between October 13...
Following the completion of their most recent film, “House of Gaa”, BAP Productions has begun main photography on their upcoming film, “Wire Wire”. Lasisi Elenu, Blossom Chukwujekwu,...
The upcoming Nollywood film “The Origin: Madam Koi Koi” starring the well-known actress Ireti Doyle, is expected to deliver a fascinating and terrifying boarding school story....
On November 3 “Adire”, starring Kehinde Bankole in the lead role, is scheduled to have its theatrical debut in Nigerian theatres, marking an important turning point in the...