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5 Ridiculous Mistakes You Should Never Make During Sex



Sex with a person decides a lot of things for you both; therefore, special care needs to be taken to not ruin the moment.

Whether you enjoy your session entirely depends on both of you. To ensure that you both enjoy that special moment with your loved one, you must not make some ridiculous mistakes.

Here are 5 of them

Going straight for the final destination

Heard of foreplay? It is probably one of the most important part of sex. A lot of people just go straight for the final destination, they go straight for the kill; as if the whole thing is just means to an end. The journey needs to be made as amazing. There needs to be a build up before you reach the climax. So practice foreplay before going all in.


This is so annoying. While it can be accidental, you must try as hard as possible not to let it happen while making love. Otherwise, it will spoil the moment and may also affect your self-esteem.

Staying quite

This can be very frustrating especially if your partner is trying his/her best to make sure you both enjoy the moment. You have no idea how frustrating it is for the active partner to try and decipher whether what they are doing is actually enjoyable for the partner or not. Be verbal, make sounds, moan. This will make your partner want to give his/her to make sure you are both satisfied.

Faking orgasms

Never ever fake your orgasm during sex. If you fake your orgasms, then you are essentially lying to your partner about what you like in the bedroom. And if you keep on doing that, you are misleading them into thinking that they’re doing what they need you to do. If you didn’t climax, then just be honest about it. Let your partner know what they could have done to help you get there

Reciprocate the favor

If they gave you an oral job, be ready to pay back. Otherwise, it will be so mean of you. Also, if you happen to cum earlier, do not leave your partner unattended. Ensure they also climax through other ways besides penetration.


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3 Reasons A Woman Doesn’t Get Wet In Bed



Vaginal Dryness: reasons for vaginal dryness during sex |

Vaginal dryness is a common issue many women face during sex, and it can significantly impact intimacy. Unlike what some sources might say, lubrication isn’t solely dependent on being “wet” right before sex. It’s a natural process that unfolds with arousal. However, when vaginal dryness occurs, it can lead to discomfort or even pain. This makes sex unpleasant for both partners.

The reasons behind vaginal dryness are varied. It goes from hormonal changes, stress, certain medications, or underlying health conditions. If you’re experiencing dryness, the first step is to identify the potential cause.

Talking openly and honestly with your partner is key. You can explore different approaches to increasing lubrication, like using lubricants or engaging in foreplay that allows for natural lubrication to develop.

See the different reasons for vaginal dryness below.

1. Absence of or no foreplay

Engaging in foreplay is a way to help a woman become aroused before sex. If she finds it difficult to get aroused, you can touch the sensitive parts of her body, kiss deeply, and spend a lot of time on foreplay. This will help her body become more responsive to yours.

2. Stress

Stress can make it difficult for a woman to be wet and ready for sex. It can get her totally out of the mood, especially if she is also unhappy about something. This can make her upset and unsettling. You must help her relax and ease off before initiating the act.

3. Side effects of medication

Some medications have side effects such as hormonal changes and imbalance, dizziness, and fatigue, which can make a woman not ready for the sex act. Her hormones might be up against her desire to have sex so may not get wet.

Furthermore, a satisfying sexual life is built on mutual enjoyment and open communication. By working together to address dryness, you can create a more pleasurable and fulfilling sexual experience for both of you.

For more updates like this, you can access our sex page here.

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5 Reasons Some Men Don’t Maintain Erection During Sex



Erectile Dysfunction And Reasons It Affects Some Men |

Having trouble maintaining an erection during sexual activity can be a source of distress and confusion for men, regardless of their age. While it’s commonly assumed that erectile dysfunction (ED) primarily affects older men, men of all ages can experience this issue.

ED, characterised by difficulty achieving or sustaining an erection, can stem from a combination of physical and psychological factors.

Understanding the potential causes of ED can help individuals identify underlying issues and seek appropriate treatment. Here are five common reasons why some men might experience erectile dysfunction:

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Does Garlic Really Increase Your Sex Drive?



See How Garlic Can Increase Your Sex Drive |

Garlic adds a lot more than just zing to your food. For centuries, it’s also been considered a natural aphrodisiac, but is there any truth to this? Can a bit of garlic powder really set the mood? Can garlic really increase sex drive?

Well, believe it or not, garlic’s reputation as a love potion goes way back. Ancient Egyptians used it in fertility rituals, and Roman gladiators thought it gave them extra strength and stamina.

In many cultures around the world, garlic has been associated with virility and passion.

So, can garlic really live up to its reputation as a sex drive booster? The science isn’t totally clear yet, but some studies suggest it might offer indirect benefits for both men and women.

For Men

  • Better Blood Flow: Garlic contains a compound called allicin that seems to improve circulation. Since good blood flow is important for erections, this could potentially lead to a perkier sex life for men. Caution: If you take medications for erectile dysfunction, talk to your doctor before upping your garlic intake, as it might interact with some meds.
  • Sperm Boost: Some studies suggest garlic might improve sperm health by increasing both sperm production and motility (how well they move).

For Women

  • Enhanced Arousal: Similar to the benefits for men, garlic’s potential to improve circulation might also benefit women by increasing arousal and overall sexual satisfaction.
  • Stress Relief: Garlic might have some mild stress-reducing properties. Since chronic stress can be a libido-killer for both sexes, anything that helps manage stress could indirectly contribute to a better sex life.

It’s important to remember that garlic’s effects can vary depending on individual factors like overall health, diet, and any existing medical conditions.

Beyond its potential bedroom benefits, garlic boasts a whole range of health advantages:

  • Fights Off Germs: Garlic has natural antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties, which can help your body fight off infections.
  • Heart Health Hero: Studies suggest garlic may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, keeping your heart happy and healthy.
  • Antioxidant Powerhouse: Garlic packs antioxidants that fight cell damage and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Taming Inflammation: Garlic might also have anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit various conditions, like arthritis.

Adding this flavorful friend to your diet is easy. Here are some ideas:

  • Classic Chopped Garlic: Simply mince or crush cloves and add them to your favourite stir-fries, stews, or soups for an extra kick.
  • Roasted Garlic Spread: Roasting garlic mellows its flavour and creates a delicious spread. Just roast whole garlic bulbs in the oven until soft and spreadable.
  • Supplements: Garlic supplements are available, but always talk to your doctor before taking any supplements to ensure they’re safe for you.

Remember, a healthy, balanced diet that includes garlic alongside other nutritious foods is the best way to support your overall well-being and potentially improve your sexual health.

While a clove of garlic might not be a magic love potion, open communication, emotional intimacy, and a healthy lifestyle are more powerful aphrodisiacs in the long run. But hey, if you enjoy the taste and health benefits of garlic, feel free to embrace it in both the kitchen and, well, maybe the bedroom too!

If you enjoyed reading this article, visit here to read more.

You can check out more benefits of garlic here.

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