Oscar Heman-Ackah has completed principal photography for the Nollywood musical “Finding Messiah,” with the major plot details still being kept under wraps. The political musical drama revolves...
Niyi Akinmolayan, CEO and founder of Anthill Studios, shared insights into his latest film project, “Rainmakers,” on Instagram. While the official trailer is pending, the documentary, exploring...
Funke Akindele‘s film, “A Tribe Called Judah“, has achieved the status of the highest-grossing Nollywood title to date, accumulating over ₦854 million in less than three...
“Mami Wata” the critically praised black and white film by CJ Obasi, will have a special screening on Saturday, December 9, 2023, as part of the...
Inkblot Productions has officially confirmed the release date of their upcoming Nigerian crime thriller, “No Way Through” in a much-awaited announcement. The film promises a dramatic and compelling story...
With Adenike Odubawo and Femi Jacobs playing co-lead roles, principal photography for the upcoming film “Ajaga” is scheduled to begin. Produced by Odubawo, the drama explores...
With four new films to their catalog, “Love in a Pandemic”, “Big Love”, “A Weekend to Forget” and the co-produced motion picture “Small Talk“. However, Nancy...
On November 10, 2023, I Have An Idea Entertainment, a progressive production company renowned for creating powerful and provocative films, left a lasting impression at the...
“The Origin: Madam Koi Koi” continues to secure its position as Nigeria’s most-watched show on Netflix, an achievement that has been maintained for an impressive three...
Nollywood, the Nigerian film industry, has rapidly evolved, showing the entrepreneurial spirit of Nigerian filmmakers and their willingness to experiment with storytelling. With its unique blend...
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