The movie titled “A Tribe Called Judah” by Funke Akindele has achieved remarkable success, grossing an impressive sum of over ₦613 million within just two weeks...
Despite a change in its release date, the horror office drama feature, “Egun“, has surged to the top three on the charts. The Cinema Exhibitors Association...
Sope Aluko is set to premiere her first short film, “Chidera” at the prestigious Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF). The emotionally charged film explores themes of...
November has arrived, and the Nollywood film industry is set to dazzle the screens with a range of exciting and engaging Nollywood movies. As the year...
“Merry Men: Nemesis” continues its successful run, holding the top spot at Nigerian cinemas for the third consecutive week, earning ₦13 million over the weekend. The...
Brampton Productions, in collaboration with RevAnuli Inc., is gearing up for its cinematic debut with the release of “Praise Party“. This family-friendly film is set to...
“Something Like Gold” kicked off its theatrical run at the Nigerian box office with a gross of ₦11 million. This romantic movie made its debut on...
The second trailer for the upcoming Netflix movie, “The Black Book“, has been released, and it pays tribute to the late Pat Nebo, a seasoned production...
Hello, movie lovers! Prepare to be transported into a world where dreams collide with reality, with the “Kanaani” movie set to burst onto the silver screen....
It’s the holiday season, this means there are a number of Nollywood movies lined up for this festive season. As we approach the end of the...
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