The Nigerian Trademark Tribunal has made an important decision about who owns the rights to the popular Netflix series “Shanty Town” and its related trademarks. On...
In the first week of its release, the Netflix original film “House of Ga’a“, directed by Bolanle Austen-Peters, made the platform’s Top 10 Global Chart for...
A new high school series called “All Of Us” is coming out soon. It will be available to watch on YouTube starting August 30th. The show...
Cartoon Network and Max have made an exciting announcement. They have chosen Yemi Alade to create and sing the main song for a new TV show...
The Netflix original film “House of Ga’a” has achieved a significant milestone. It has entered Netflix’s Top 10 global chart for non-English films. Bolanle Austen-Peters directed...
The film titled “With Difficulty Comes Ease” will premiere on Prime Video soon. A production company named Nemsia Studio made the movie. “Breath of Life” is...
Netflix has significantly increased its subscription fees for Nigerian users. This marks the second time the popular streaming platform has raised prices in just three months....
“Londoner” is an autobiographical film that tells the story of Ayo, a Nigerian bank manager who moves to London to reunite with his family. The film,...
Renowned Nigerian filmmaker, Kunle Afolayan, is actively searching for suitable locations to bring the next season of his series, “Anikulapo: Rise of the Sceptre,” to life....
The Nigerian box office has seen a shift in leadership this week. The domestic film “What about Us?” directed by Kayode Kasum claims the top spot....
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