The film titled “With Difficulty Comes Ease” will premiere on Prime Video soon. A production company named Nemsia Studio made the movie. “Breath of Life” is...
Netflix has significantly increased its subscription fees for Nigerian users. This marks the second time the popular streaming platform has raised prices in just three months....
“Londoner” is an autobiographical film that tells the story of Ayo, a Nigerian bank manager who moves to London to reunite with his family. The film,...
Renowned Nigerian filmmaker, Kunle Afolayan, is actively searching for suitable locations to bring the next season of his series, “Anikulapo: Rise of the Sceptre,” to life....
The Nigerian box office has seen a shift in leadership this week. The domestic film “What about Us?” directed by Kayode Kasum claims the top spot....
Ngozi Nwosu is a veteran Nigerian actress with a career spanning decades. A household name among Nollywood fans, she’s not just an actress but also a...
Deyemi Okanlawon is a Nollywood actor. He recently appeared on the Echoo Room podcast. During the podcast, he talked about social media skit makers. These are...
A crime thriller film titled “Shina” has become a major hit on Netflix with Nigerian audiences. Since its debut in mid-June, “Shina” has consistently held a...
There’s good news for the makers of the Nigerian film “What About Us?”! The movie, produced by Pastor Emmanuel Iren, had a strong opening week at...
Four talented Nigerian filmmakers are poised to make a splash on the international stage thanks to a prestigious residency program! Fatimah Gimsay, Isioma Osaje, Temidayo Makanjuola,...
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