Nollywood actress and director, Omoni Oboli, has announced that her debut series, “Last Year Single,” produced in 2020, will premiere on Netflix on September 6, 2024.
Omoni Oboli embarked on her acting career with her debut role in “Bitter Encounter” (1996). In 2010, she earned recognition for her performances, winning the Best Actress in a Narrative Feature award at the Los Angeles Movie Awards and Best Actress at the Harlem International Film Festival.
Additionally, she received a nomination for Best Actress in a Leading Role at the 2011 Africa Movie Academy Awards. Oboli has a notable filmography, including “Moms At War” and the upcoming third instalment of the “Wives on Strike” franchise, “The Uprising: Wives on Strike 3,” set to debut next month.
In an official statement, the talented actor-director confirmed that her romantic drama series, “Last Year Single,” will be available on Netflix starting Friday, September 6, 2024.