‘A Tribe Called Judah‘ takes viewers on a journey through the deep relationships of a Nigerian family, expertly integrating aspects of drama, comedy, and suspense. Movie...
Funke Akindele‘s blockbuster, ‘A Tribe Called Judah‘, made history by becoming the first Nollywood film to gross over N1 billion within 21 days of its release...
For 12 months, numerous Nollywood films vied for audience attention in cinemas nationwide. Notably, five Nigerian movies achieved box office success by grossing over ₦100 million,...
Funke Akindele‘s film, “A Tribe Called Judah“, has achieved the status of the highest-grossing Nollywood title to date, accumulating over ₦854 million in less than three...
Toyin Abraham‘s film “Malaika” is set to make its international debut in the United Kingdom, as the filmmaker and actress announced on Instagram. The release is...
Misan Harriman, a British Nigerian photographer renowned for being the first black man to shoot a magazine cover for British Vogue, has achieved another milestone with...
Two Nollywood films, Adire and Merry Men 3, which premiered earlier in the year, are scheduled to be available for streaming on Netflix in January 2024....
InkBlot Production’s movie, “A Weekend To Forget“, is set to begin streaming on Prime Video in January, as announced on Twitter by InkBlot. The tweet encourages...
The movie titled “A Tribe Called Judah” by Funke Akindele has achieved remarkable success, grossing an impressive sum of over ₦613 million within just two weeks...
Blood Vessel is a roller coaster of emotions with an intriguing storyline that sets it apart as a mystery and crime thriller. Movie title: Blood Vessel...
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