The upcoming film “Thin Line” promises an intense narrative exploring moral complexity through the powerful performances of Mercy Aigbe and Uzor Arukwe. Specifically, Arukwe portrays Pastor...
Nollywood actress Mercy Aigbe-Adeoti revealed one of the reasons she chose to marry Kazim Adeoti as his second wife. During her appearance on “Nollywood on Radio”,...
Mercy Aigbe, a renowned Nollywood actress, has publicly shared her enthusiasm regarding Priscilla Ojo’s recent engagement and upcoming wedding. On September 2, 2024, Aigbe used her...
Today, July 11, 2024, Nollywood actress Mercy Aigbe took to social media to celebrate her daughter Michelle’s birthday. Aigbe shared a bunch of photos from Michelle’s...
Mercy Aigbe-Adeoti‘s romantic comedy, “Ada Omo Daddy,” is set to premiere in the United Kingdom on February 9, 2024. The movie will be shown in five...
The rights to “Olóládé,” a much-awaited original series that will debut on November 24th, have been acquired by Netflix. “Olóládé” is a tribute to Nollywood TV...
The megahit movie “Ada Omo Daddy” starring Mercy Aigbe, gave press and exhibitors an early look ahead of its much-anticipated December release. This increased excitement for...
Mercy Aigbe’s ex-husband, Lanre Gentry, says he has not yet remarried. Gentry was in the news recently after he shared a photo of a lady on...
Mercy Aigbe is taking a walk down memory lane as she remembers the domestic violence she experienced in her marriage to politician, Lanre Gentry. Mercy took to her...
ne of Nollywood’s most anticipated movies for 2019, “Love is War” premieres tonight and we are excited. The Omoni Oboli directed movie which will be out in cinemas...
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