The trailer for “Anikulapo,” a film produced by Nigerian filmmaker and actor Kunle Afolayan, is finally here. The film, which formed part of the Netflix multi-title...
Kunle Afolayan’s award-winning 2020 film “Citation“, has yet again snagged another win, this time in the ‘Best International Film’ category at the just-concluded National Film Awards...
The genius that is Kunle Afolayan, has mastered the art of storytelling so much so that we’ve come to always look forward to every project from him. His...
The wait is finally over! And we are sure you’re eager to watch the official teaser for “Citation“, produced and directed by the award-winning filmmaker, Kunle Afolayan....
This is one major surprise we didn’t see coming. In case you don’t know Ibukun Awosika, she currently serves as Chairman of First Bank of Nigeria. Yes,...
Kunle Afolayan’s forthcoming movie “Citation” is almost wrapping up and from the behind the scenes photos, we are certain the film will be a hit. “Citation” stars...
Kunle Afolayan’s forthcoming movie “Citation” is in the making and from the behind the scenes photos, we are certain the film will be a hit. “Citation”...
In a recent interview with The Punch, award winning filmmaker, Kunle Afolayan, said Nollywood actrresses know better not to offer him sex to feature in any of...
Songstress Simi is taking a shot at acting. The X3M Music star is set to star in Kunle Afolayan‘s new movie Mokalik alongside Femi Adebayo, Ayo Adesanya, Faithia Williams, Lateef Oladimeji, among others. Kunle Afolayan...
Kunle Afolayan is easily one of the best Nigerian filmmakers working today, so it should come as no surprise that he is also one of the most...
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