Acclaimed Nigerian singer and songwriter, Tiwa Savage, is set to make her feature film debut in “Water and Garri.” The film tells the story of Aisha, a...
“Black Panther” screen and fan favourite, Winston Duke (M’baku in the Black Panther franchise) is the second cover for the Love Issue of GQ South Africa. The highly sought...
Rapper Ice Prince Zamani has released his a new single titled “Get At You”. “Get At You” is the Jos born rapper’s first song of the year and...
Nigerian Singer and songwriter Ayra Starr is has released her new single “Sability.” In “Sability”, her first single of 2023, Ayra Starr samples Congolese Soukous musician Awilo Longomba’s “Coupé Bibamba.” “Sability” is...
Global superstar singer Rihanna is expecting her second baby with her partner, rapper A$AP Rocky. The award-winning star got fans talking on social media when she revealed her baby...
Soundcity MVP Awards returned with a bang. The 2023 edition of the show that was held at the Eko Convention Centre, Lagos, Nigeria, on February 11,...
Whatever your feelings about Valentine’s Day, you have to admit: The manicure opportunities are too cute to pass up. Here, 5 Valentine’s Day nail art ideas,...
Taymesan’s guest on the latest episode of his podcast show, “Tea With Tay” is Nollywood star Ini Edo. In this episode, Ini Edo shares her experiences growing...
A-list performers flew in from across the globe to experience the latest from African designers, bringing their fashion A-game on the carpet and front row of ARISE...
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