Tems, the internationally acclaimed artist recognized for her pivotal role in Wizkid’s chart-topping “Essence,” has sent shockwaves through the music world by announcing the unexpected release...
Inkblot Productions has officially confirmed the release date of their upcoming Nigerian crime thriller, “No Way Through” in a much-awaited announcement. The film promises a dramatic and compelling story...
Flytime Fest, Africa’s most popular event, is preparing for an incredible celebration at Lagos’ Eko Convention Centre on December 21–25. The festival has revealed an exciting...
An incredible return for fans who have been waiting a long time for the much-anticipated original telenovela “Wura”, Showmax has announced that it will be returning...
The Hey Neighbour Music Festival in Pretoria, South Africa will feature performances by Nigerian music superstars Rema and Ckay in December 2023. The two performers will...
“This is Lagos” is almost ready to enter theatres in December 2023. The movie focuses on the life of Stevo, a young man aspiring to succeed...
Prepare for a cinematic treat as the highly anticipated film “This is Lagos” makes its way to the big screens in December 2023. This star-studded production...
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