After dropping the first official trailer in December, Warner Bros. Pictures delivers another new look at the upcoming crime-thriller, Ocean’s 8. In the film, Sandra Bullock’s...
After over a year without solo releases, and a seemingly quiet social media presence, Nicki Minaj has finally returned with two new singles for her fans....
The 2018 Nollywood Week Film Festival is just a few weeks away as it is set to take place between Monday, May 3rd and Sunday, May...
We’d like to start off by saying that Gringo is an amazing movie, and the best part of it was the Nigerian influences. It was David Oyelowo‘s idea to make...
It’s no secret that a lot of superhero TV shows tend to get worse as they chug along — just look at The Flash, Gotham and...
EbonyLife Films, producers of Fifty, The Wedding Party and The Wedding Party 2, hosted a private showing of its latest movie, The Royal Hibiscus Hotel (RHH), on Sunday 18th February 2018 at the...
The latest offering from EbonyLife Films, The Royal Hibiscus Hotel, is a ‘blooming’ love story, purposefully crafted for universal viewing. Its first screening was for a...
Marvel Studios brought “Black Panther” fever to New York Fashion Week, inviting designers to showcase clothes inspired by the iconic movie, already winning rave reviews ahead...
Orange is launching an offer in Africa to provide access to educational content from the best international universities and training centres. DAKAR, Senegal, February 2, 2018/...
A professional clapper for infomercials gets plucked by a late night talk show host to be on his TV show. His 15 minutes of fame ends...