Hollywood actress Uzo Aduba has been billed to star in Netflix’s upcoming hip-hop drama series titled “Beats” alongside Anthony Anderson. The series is said to be...
The official trailer for new film ‘Seven and a Half Dates‘ starring Jim Iyke, Mercy Johnson Okojie, Sola Sobowale has recently been released. Seven and a...
The teaser for a new sitcom ‘Chairman‘ has recently been released. The sitcom stars Muyiwa Adegoke, Etinosa Idemudia, Faithia Williams and more. The story follows a...
As much as we adore Tom Holland’s new iteration of Spider-Man, if we are being totally honest, we have kind of had enough of Peter Parker....
We’re all aware of the fact that colonizers came to Africa to abduct people, who would later become their slaves. They transported them by ships, which...
International music superstar, Lady Gaga is set to star in her first leading role in a major motion picture alongside Bradley Cooper who is also making...
Although the Eddie Murphy-led Coming To America is one of the most beloved comedies of all time, we still think it’s a frustratingly shallow depiction of Africa and...
After five installments of the Transformers film series, we get a first spin-off centered around Bumblebee, which Paramount gives us a first look at in this teaser trailer. Directed...
Nollywod stars Jim Iyke, Mercy Johnson Okojie, Sola Sobowale Akin Lewis are set to star in a new film produced by Samuel Olatunji titled “Seven and...
Former Big Brother Naija housemates Teddy A and BamBam are set to star in their first film together titled – “The Gift” From the teaser released...