Renowned filmmaker, Kayode Kasum, is set to captivate audiences once again with his upcoming film, ‘Something Like Gold’. This highly anticipated release tells the enchanting love...
The Nollywood film “Over the Bridge” reveals a strong insight into a quiet threat that torments the bustling city of Lagos. It is a forthcoming thrill...
Netflix has unveiled the official trailer for their upcoming comedy-drama series for young adults titled, “Miseducation“. The show boasts an impressive cast, including Buntu Petse, Lunga...
Jade Osiberu has wrapped production for her forthcoming feature film “Everything Scatter,” a film that delves into the prevalent issue of police brutality, a topic that references...
Looking for a series with a mix of comedy and mystery? You don’t have to look far but get ready for the premiere of a new...
Cynthia Nwadiora, popularly known as Cee–C, has released her debut short film project titled “True Colour.” The film, released in collaboration with the reality television star’s film production...
Nollywood superstar Richard Mofe-Damijo, also known as RMD, recently spilled the beans on how he got ready for his forthcoming coming role in Editi Effiong‘s “The Black...
Nigerian filmmakers Kunle Afolayan, is bringing his creative talent to Netflix again. His movies Aníkúlápó (Series) And Ijogbon are currently in various stages of production and...
“Maestro” is an American biographical drama film that focuses on the relationship between Leonard Bernstein, an American composer, and his wife Felicia Montealegre. Directed by Bradley...
Nigerian film and production company Shutter Speed Projects has released the fifth episode of Biodun Stephen’s Yoruba Nollywood web series “Omo Momizs.” This episode is titled “Waila...