“A Weekend To Forget” presented by Inkblot Productions, lived up to its promise of being a night filled with glamour, excitement, and a dash of mystery...
“This is Lagos” is almost ready to enter theatres in December 2023. The movie focuses on the life of Stevo, a young man aspiring to succeed...
The second trailer for the upcoming Netflix movie, “The Black Book“, has been released, and it pays tribute to the late Pat Nebo, a seasoned production...
The highly anticipated trailer for Kunle Afolayan‘s next movie, “Ijogbon,” has finally been released on Netflix, promising fans an adventurous and chaotic adventure. Since “Anikulapo,” this...
An important milestone has been reached by the Nigerian drama “Orah,” which won a distribution deal at the esteemed Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) 2023. This new...
Nigerian actress, Cindy Amadi, renowned for her role in the lesbian-themed film “Ife,” has tragically passed away. The confirmation of her tragic demise came from the...
“The Birthday” comedy movie features the Nollywood actress, Mercy Johnson-Okojie, and her two daughters, Purity Okojie and Angel Okojie. “The Birthday” is the actress’ newest movie...
In the romantic comedy, “Love In A Showroom”, Nancy Isime and Brodda Shaggi are intended to charm viewers with an unusual pairing. This delightful tale of...
The official trailer for the upcoming film, “A Weekend To Forget” has been released, giving viewers a sneak peek into the suspenseful tale of friends who...
Prepare for a cinematic treat as the highly anticipated film “This is Lagos” makes its way to the big screens in December 2023. This star-studded production...