The official trailer for the upcoming film, “A Weekend To Forget” has been released, giving viewers a sneak peek into the suspenseful tale of friends who...
Prepare for a cinematic treat as the highly anticipated film “This is Lagos” makes its way to the big screens in December 2023. This star-studded production...
Hello, movie lovers! Prepare to be transported into a world where dreams collide with reality, with the “Kanaani” movie set to burst onto the silver screen....
The beloved Spy Kids franchise which holds a special place in the hearts of those who grew up with it, is making a triumphant return with a...
In the upcoming movie “77: The Festac Conspiracy”, directed by Izu Ojukwu, a Nigerian musician named Seun Kuti, is prepared to fill the iconic shoes...
Here’s a sneak peek at Funke Akindele‘s upcoming movie titled “A Tribe Called Judah.” This highly anticipated film is generating excitement as it promises to deliver...
Interesting news for fans of African TV series as African Drama Series secures renewals on Netflix. Netflix recently announced plans to renew three hugely popular South... has amazing news for everyone! Netflix is bringing Nigerian literature to the screen by partnering with Nigerian filmmakers for adaptations of some compelling books. One...
Cinemax has exciting news as it embarks on its inaugural independent production of its upcoming movie, ‘The Party’, a highly anticipated murder mystery filled with drama,...
The Nollywood heist movie titled, “Charlie And The Boys”, is finally set for release. It is set to premiere on September 29, 2023. The film stars...