Basketball star Giannis Antetokounmpo, of Greek-Nigerian descent, has revealed the release of his documentary film, “Giannis: The Marvelous Journey,” on Prime Video. Additionally, the Milwaukee Bucks...
The Spanish Super Cup’s match finale left Barcelona fans heartbroken as Real Madrid emerged triumphant, claiming a whopping 4-1 victory over Barcelona. From the start of...
Amazon Prime Video is undergoing a reorganisation of its international business, with a focus on European originals. This restructuring will involve cutting content and staff in...
“The After,” produced by Misan Harriman, a British Nigerian photographer and filmmaker, has won the Best Short Film category at the 2024 African-American Film Critics Award (AAFCA)....
The Nollywood movie “A Tribe Called Judah” is set to be screened in nine French-speaking countries this weekend. The announcement was made by Film One Entertainment,...
Nollywood and Kannywood may have just encountered a major shake-up as legendary Ali Nuhu has been appointed as the new Managing Director of the Nigerian Film...
Get ready for a cinematic explosion of Nigerian talent and Hollywood glamour! “The Book of Clarence,” a biblical comedy-drama set to grace Nigerian cinemas on April...
Nigerian filmmaker Kemi Adetiba has revealed the start of the pre-production phase for the much-anticipated sequel to “King of Boys 3“ (KOB 3). In an Instagram...
Nigerian filmmaker Mo Abudu is bringing a taste of Africa to the Academy Museum in Los Angeles. The Academy Museum is like a giant museum for...
Get ready to mark your calendars, Skepta fans. His directorial debut, “Tribal Mark,” is gearing up for its official release on January 26, 2024, in London,...