The wait is over! The producers of the long-awaited sequel to the 2001 action movie “Issakaba” have finally revealed the star-studded cast. This exciting follow-up to...
There’s a new champion at the Nigerian box office! Funke Akindele‘s hit comedy-drama “A Tribe Called Judah” has been overtaken by the Hollywood action thriller “The...
Today, the legendary Nigerian singer, songwriter, journalist, actress, politician, and human rights activist, Onyeka Onwenu, is marking her 72nd birthday. But to call her simply a...
Showmax, an online streaming platform, has revealed that its new epic drama series, Cheta M, is set to premiere on February 12. Dr. Busola Tejumola, the...
Netflix has revealed the official trailer for Kunle Afolayan‘s much-anticipated “Anikulapo: Rise of the Spectre,” a spinoff derived from the highly successful movie “Anikulapo.”. Released on...
Mercy Aigbe-Adeoti‘s romantic comedy, “Ada Omo Daddy,” is set to premiere in the United Kingdom on February 9, 2024. The movie will be shown in five...
Movie Title: Adire Release Date: 13 January, 2023 Directors: Adeoluwa Owu Duration: 2 hours, 3 minutes Cast:Kehinde Bankole, Femi Branch, Kelechi Udegbe, Funlola Aofiyebi-Raimi, Ibrahim Chatta, Yemi...
A sequel to the 2001 classic “Issakaba” is currently in development, as announced by actor Sam Dede on Instagram on Saturday, January 27, 2024. Lancelot Imasuen...
Kayode Kasum directed the feature drama “One Too Many,” which will be available for streaming on Netflix starting February 23, 2024. The story, written by Ginika...
There are so many reasons why you’d want to read a book in 2024. You could be trying to improve your vocabulary. You could be trying...