“Merry Men: Nemesis” continues its successful run, holding the top spot at Nigerian cinemas for the third consecutive week, earning ₦13 million over the weekend. The...
Renowned Nigerian filmmaker, Funke Akindele is preparing to introduce her latest project, “A Tribe Called Judah“, featuring a star-studded cast. Despite recently releasing “SHE” on Prime...
“Dreams” a horror short film by Chioma Paul Dike, will be screened at the 12th Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF) in 2023. Under the direction of...
Nigerian director, colourist, and editor Dele Ishola are getting ready to launch the intriguing web series “Sheila” on October 29, 2023. With twelve captivating episodes, viewers...
“Vote True“, a three-minute short film released before Nigeria’s 2023 elections, won an award at this year’s Cannes World Film Festival (CWFF). This success highlights Nigeria’s...
Brampton Productions, in collaboration with RevAnuli Inc., is gearing up for its cinematic debut with the release of “Praise Party“. This family-friendly film is set to...
Beyond the typical juju mystery theme, the official trailer for the upcoming Nigerian horror movie “Egun” teases a more complicated and intense storyline. Written by Kayode...
An annual gathering of African filmmakers and movie fans, the Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF) 2023 will take place from November 5 to November 11 and...
Guess what!! “The Origin: Madam Koi Koi” a new horror TV series, is scheduled to premiere on Netflix on October 31st, get ready for a spine-tingling experience....
On October 27, the eagerly awaited comedy-thriller movie ‘Small Talk’ directed by Biodun Stephen, will make its official debut in theatres. With the collaboration of FilmOne...