The cast and crew of Prime Video’s first African original movie, “Gangs of Lagos” recently attended a special screening in the United Kingdom. The crime thriller...
The South African crime series “Unseen” is finally out, available on Netflix and other platforms. The crime drama is a real package packed with lot of...
The series “African Folktales, Reimagined” will be a six- part short stories by six filmmakers about the African continent including Nigeria. The upcoming series features the...
Ozzy Agu, Segilola Ogidan, Deyemi Okanlawon and Joke Silva are set to star in the Tolu Ajayi-directed feature film “Over The Bridge.” Principal photography officially wrapped in March 2022. It...
This season, MTV Shuga is all about empowering female creatives, with an 80% female cast in front of the camera. It is produced by 1Pod Pictures,...
Bleeding Art Productions has released the trailer for their first feature film, titled “Love in a Pandemic.” Directed by Akay Mason and written by Abosi Ogba, the film captures a love story that...
The latest trailer for “A Sunday Affair,” starring Nse Ikpe Etim, Dakore Egbuson Akande, and Oris Erhuero, is here. The Netflix and EbonyLife film written by Darrel Bristow-Bovey and directed...
Laju Iren’s film company, Laju Iren Films, has begun principal photography for her latest film, “Danfo and the Rose.” Sam Dede, Sunshine Rosman, Amanda Dara, Akah Nnani, Adunni Ade, Seun Ajayi,...
It’s another Jade Osiberu film. On January 13, “The Trade” will finally hit the big screen, and it promises to be action-packed. “The Trade Movie is a story...
Nse Ikpe-Etim and Dakore Egbuson-Akande are playing best friends in a forthcoming film. The actresses will star alongside “Road to Yesterday” actor Oris Erhuero in the feature film, “A Sunday Affair,”...