The presence of dandruff indicates that the scalp must be dry, inappropriate scrubbing or seborrhoeic dermatitis- a condition that causes red, flaky and itchy skin as a...
You make mistakes sometimes in life, However, learning from your mistakes make a lot of difference, and this is especially true in a relationship. Not only...
Travelling solo is not always sad and pathetic. It can be fun because there’s no one you’ve got to accommodate or look out for. You’re just you...
When you start dating someone, it’s important that you come into it with a positive energy. Certain information and attitude tend to be downers and can...
“I’m just not naturally stylish.” Does that sound familiar? Here’s the truth. Dressing well is a skill. And like any other skill, you can learn it...
The little things you do can totally change your life and that of your partner. If, for instance, you want to be more spiritual or have...
Suits are not only fashionable these days, they’ve also become statement-making staples. This season, many fashionistas have redefined the ‘strictness’ attached to suits. We have seen upgraded versions and...
The honeymoon lingerie should be the cherry on top of your honeymoon ice-cream so, you must have it all figured out. Packing lingerie isn’t compulsory, but...
Being an entrepreneur sounds like you’re living the life. People envy how you get to work from home. They remind you that you don’t have to...
Ladies gets different reactions from people around them when they announce their relationship to the world. Some friends will act like they are more happier than...