The political musical drama revolves around the fictional nation of the Republic of Zambay, an ancient civilization complete with its own culture and sensibilities. Heman-Ackah, with Finding Messiah, wears multiple hats of executive producer, writer, director, production designer, and music composer.
“This entire process has felt as both the longest period of my life and also the shortest,” he said on Instagram. “I don’t know how we’ve been able to pull off all this but I want to share my sincerest gratitude to the epic cast and extremely hardworking FM crew for collaborating with me on this crazy journey,” Heman-Ackah added in that Instagram post.
“Finding Messiah” will showcase seasoned performers including Pete Edochie, Ngozi Ezeonu, Taiwo Ajayi-Lycett, Alex Usifo, Daddy Showkey, Ejike Asiegbu, Bucci Franklin, Uzi Kwednu, and Sunshine Rosman.
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“The whole production to me is Shakespearean,” the veteran actress, Ajayi-Lycett, said in a promo video for the film.
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Heman-Ackah, already a prominent figure in the African creative space, has further elevated his profile by marrying Nigerian filmmaker Kemi Adetiba. The couple considered a new kind of power couple, is anticipated to gain even more prominence when the movie, details of which are yet to be disclosed, is released.
Before his marriage to Adetiba in a high-profile event in 2022, Heman-Ackah established himself as a savvy music executive in Ghana, having worked for Universal Music, a company associated with artists like Tiwa Savage and Shawn Mendes.
The movie’s release date is currently undisclosed.
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