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11 Facts About Coffee



Coffee is a brewed drink that is prepared from roasted coffee beans, it is one of the highest-sold hot drinks in the world.

However, there are some facts about coffee you have no idea about, but you’re in luck because Health Normal will be educating you about some facts about coffee should be aware of.

See the video below.



Here’s All To Know About Coffee Culture



Here's All To Know About Coffee Culture |

Coffee culture is the social atmosphere, traditions, and practices that have developed around the consumption of coffee. This culture has evolved over centuries and varies significantly across countries and regions.

Let’s explore the fascinating world of coffee culture in detail below.

The Origins of Coffee Culture

Coffee culture has its roots in the Middle East, where coffee was first cultivated and consumed. In the 15th century, coffee houses appeared in cities like Cairo and Constantinople (now Istanbul). These establishments quickly became centres of social interaction, intellectual discourse, and political debate.

The concept of the coffee house then spread to Europe in the 17th century, sparking a new era of coffee consumption and socialization.

The Global Spread of Coffee Culture

As coffee’s popularity grew, it spread to different parts of the world. Each region developed its own unique coffee traditions and preparation methods. In Italy, espresso became the preferred form of coffee, leading to the creation of drinks like cappuccino and latte.

A strong, unfiltered coffee served in small cups became a cultural staple in Turkey. In Vietnam, coffee is often served with sweetened condensed milk, creating a rich and sweet beverage.

The Rise of Specialty Coffee Culture: Transforming the Café Scene Worldwide  - Partea Drinks

The American Coffee Shop Revolution

In the United States, coffee culture underwent a significant transformation in the late 20th century. The rise of speciality coffee shops, led by chains like Starbucks, introduced Americans to a wide variety of coffee drinks and created a new social space centred around coffee consumption. These shops offered a “third place” – neither home nor work – where people could meet, work, or simply relax.

Coffee Preparation

Coffee culture has given rise to various methods of coffee preparation, each with its own devotees. Espresso machines create concentrated shots of coffee, forming the base for many popular drinks. French presses allow coffee grounds to steep in hot water before being filtered out.

Pour-over methods, where hot water is manually poured over ground coffee in a filter, have gained popularity among coffee enthusiasts for the control they offer over the brewing process.

The Rise of Specialty Coffee

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in speciality coffee. This term refers to high-quality coffee beans that are carefully sourced, roasted, and prepared to bring out their unique flavours.

Speciality coffee shops often focus on educating customers about the origin of their beans, the roasting process, and different brewing methods. This has led to a more informed and discerning coffee consumer base.

Coffee and Social Interaction

Coffee continues to play a significant role in social interactions around the world. In many cultures, inviting someone for coffee is a common way to suggest a casual meeting or date.

Coffee breaks in workplaces provide opportunities for coworkers to socialize and relax. Coffee shops serve as meeting places for friends, study spots for students, and workspaces for remote workers.

The Ritual of Coffee Consumption

For many people, drinking coffee is not just about caffeine intake, but a daily ritual that provides comfort and structure. The act of preparing and consuming coffee can be a mindful practice, offering a moment of pause on busy days.

Some people have elaborate morning coffee routines, while others enjoy an afternoon espresso as a pick-me-up.

Navigating the Coffee Culture: Exploring the Benefits and Drawbacks of Your  Daily Brew - - Sofia News Agency

Coffee and Creativity

Coffee shops have long been associated with creativity and intellectual pursuits. Many writers, artists, and thinkers have found inspiration in these spaces.

The ambient noise of a coffee shop has even been shown to enhance creative thinking for some people. This connection between coffee and creativity continues to be an important aspect of coffee culture.

The Environmental Impact of Coffee Culture

As coffee consumption has increased globally, so too has awareness of its environmental impact. Many coffee drinkers now seek out sustainably sourced and ethically produced coffee. This has led to the growth of fair trade and direct trade practices in the coffee industry.

Additionally, there’s been a push towards more eco-friendly packaging and a reduction in single-use cups and plastics in coffee shops.

Coffee Culture and Technology

Technology has also influenced coffee culture in recent years. Mobile apps allow customers to order and pay for their coffee in advance, reducing wait times. Social media platforms have become spaces for coffee enthusiasts to share their experiences and discoveries.

Some coffee machines now come with smart features, allowing users to control them remotely or program custom brewing schedules.

The Future of Coffee Culture

As coffee culture continues to evolve, several trends are emerging. There’s growing interest in cold brew and nitro coffee, which offer different flavour profiles and drinking experiences. Plant-based milk alternatives are becoming increasingly popular in coffee drinks. Some coffee shops are experimenting with coffee cocktails, blending coffee culture with bar culture.

In conclusion, coffee culture is a rich and diverse phenomenon that touches many aspects of society. From its humble beginnings in the Middle East to its current global status, coffee has shaped social interactions, work habits, and even urban landscapes.

As coffee culture continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly remain an important part of daily life for millions of people around the world, offering not just a caffeine boost, but a sense of comfort, community, and ritual.

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Foods & Drinks To Take After Tear Gas Exposure



Foods & Drinks To Take After Tear Gas Exposure |

Tear gas is a chemical irritant used in some situations to control crowds. If you’ve been exposed to tear gas, it’s important to know what to eat and drink to help your body recover. This article will guide you through the best foods and drinks to have after tear gas exposure.

Why food and drink choices matter after tear gas exposure

After tear gas exposure, your body needs help to heal. The right foods and drinks can:

  1. Reduce inflammation (swelling) in your body
  2. Help flush out the harmful chemicals
  3. Boost your immune system (the body’s defence system)
  4. Provide comfort and relief

Hydration: the most important step

Drinking plenty of water is the single most important thing you can do after tear gas exposure. Water helps to:

  • Flush out the tear gas chemicals from your body
  • Keep you hydrated (having enough fluids in your body)
  • Soothe your throat if it’s irritated

Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water in the hours after exposure. Keep drinking water regularly throughout the next few days.

Other hydrating drinks include:

Coconut water

This is a good choice because it has natural electrolytes (minerals that help with hydration), is gentle on your stomach, and can help replace fluids you’ve lost.

Herbal teas

Some helpful herbal teas include:

  • Chamomile tea: It can help calm your nerves and reduce inflammation.
  • Ginger tea: This can help with nausea and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Green tea: It’s full of antioxidants that can help your body heal.

Avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee or regular tea, as these can dehydrate you.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are important because they contain vitamins and minerals that help your body heal. They have antioxidants that fight inflammation. Also, they provide fibre to help your digestive system.

Some good choices are:

  • Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
  • Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits) (Wait a day or two if your throat is sore)
  • Leafy greens (spinach, kale)
  • Carrots
  • Bananas – these are another soft and easy-to-eat option. They’re also a great source of potassium, a mineral that can help replenish electrolytes lost through sweating or irritation.

Soups and broths

Soups and broths are a great choice after tear gas exposure for a few reasons. First, if your throat is sore and swallowing is painful, broths and soups are very easy to swallow. They’re nice and smooth, going down gently without irritating your throat further.

Second, broths and soups provide extra fluids to your body. This is important because tear gas can dehydrate you, and staying hydrated helps your body flush out the tear gas chemicals.

You can make your own vegetable soup packed with chopped carrots, celery, and spinach, or simply have some clear chicken broth for a quick and easy option. Both will help you rehydrate and feel better.

If your mouth or throat feels irritated and sore after tear gas exposure, some gentle foods can help soothe the discomfort and make eating a little easier.


This is soft and cool food that’s easy to swallow. It’s also a good source of probiotics, which are live bacteria that help keep your gut healthy. Having healthy gut bacteria can be helpful during recovery because it supports your immune system.

Foods to avoid after tear gas exposure

While your body heals from tear gas exposure, it’s best to avoid certain foods that can irritate your throat and stomach even more.

Spicy foods

Put down the hot sauce for a few days! Spicy foods irritate your throat and stomach lining, which can already be inflamed from the tear gas. This will make you feel more uncomfortable and might even cause heartburn.

Acidic foods

Take a break from those tangy tomatoes and citrus fruits (except maybe strawberries if your throat feels alright). Acidic foods irritate your already sore throat, making it feel scratchy and painful. Wait a day or two after exposure before having these again.

Vinegar-based foods

Similar to acidic fruits, dressings, marinades, and condiments with vinegar can irritate your throat. It’s best to avoid them for a few days after tear gas exposure.

Dairy products

Some people find that dairy products, like milk, cheese, and yoghurt, can increase mucus production. This can make congestion worse, especially if you’re already experiencing a runny nose or post-nasal drip from the tear gas. If you notice more mucus after consuming dairy, avoid it for a few days and see if your symptoms improve.


Hold off on that celebratory beer! Alcohol is dehydrating, and you need plenty of fluids to flush out the tear gas chemicals. Drinking alcohol can also worsen your overall discomfort and slow down your healing process. It’s best to wait at least 24 hours after exposure before consuming any alcohol.

Additional tips

  • Eat small, frequent meals if your stomach is upset.
  • Choose foods that are room temperature or cool, not very hot.
  • Listen to your body: If a food doesn’t feel good, don’t eat it.

In conclusion…

After tear gas exposure, focus on staying hydrated and eating foods that will help your body heal. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and choose soft, gentle foods if your throat is sore.

Avoid spicy, acidic foods and alcohol. With the right food and drink choices, you can help your body recover more quickly from tear gas exposure.

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Check Out This Kunu Drink Recipe And Benefits



Kunu drink: How to make the traditional Nigerian beverage |

Kunu drink, also known as kunun zaki, is a popular traditional Nigerian beverage made from grains such as millet, sorghum, or maize. This refreshing and nutritious drink is often enjoyed for its slightly tangy flavour and health benefits.

Kunu is particularly cherished in Northern Nigeria, where it is commonly served during special occasions and as a thirst quencher on hot days. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to make kunu drink at home.

Ingredients for making Kunu drink

  • To make Kunu, you’ll need the following ingredients:
  • 2 cups of millet (you can also use sorghum or maize)
  • 1 medium-sized sweet potato or a few slices of ginger (optional, for flavour)
  • 1 teaspoon of cloves
  • 1 teaspoon of black peppercorns
  • 1 teaspoon of dry chilli pepper (optional, for a spicy kick)
  • Sugar or honey to taste
  • Water

Equipment you’ll need

  • A large bowl
  • A blender or food processor
  • A fine sieve or cheesecloth
  • A large pot
  • A stirring spoon

Kunu drink: How to make the traditional Nigerian beverage |

How to make Kunu drink

Step 1: Soak the grains

1. Clean the grains: Start by cleaning the millet thoroughly. Remove any stones, dirt, or impurities.
2. Soak the grains: Place the cleaned millet in a large bowl and cover with water. Let it soak for at least 8 hours or overnight. This helps to soften the grains and makes blending easier.

Step 2: Blend the mixture

1. Prepare the spices: While the grains are soaking, you can prepare the spices. Peel and chop the sweet potato or ginger into small pieces.
2. Blend the grains and spices: Drain the soaked millet and transfer it to a blender. Add the chopped sweet potato or ginger, cloves, black peppercorns, and dry chilli pepper if using. Add enough water to cover the ingredients and blend until you get a smooth paste.

Step 3: Strain the mixture

1. Strain the paste: Pour the blended mixture into a large bowl lined with a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Strain the mixture, squeezing out as much liquid as possible. This liquid is the kunu extract.
2. Repeat if necessary: If the mixture is too thick to strain, you can add a little more water and blend again before straining.

Step 4: Cook the Kunu

1. Heat the Kunu extract: Pour the strained Kunu extract into a large pot. Add more water if necessary to achieve your desired consistency. Kunu should be thick but drinkable.
2. Cook the mixture: Heat the pot over medium heat, stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming. Cook the mixture for about 10–15 minutes until it thickens slightly and becomes smooth.
3. Cool the Kunu: Remove the pot from the heat and allow the kunu to cool completely.

Step 5: Sweeten and serve

1. Sweeten the Kunu: Once the kunu has cooled, add sugar or honey to taste. Stir well to ensure the sweetener is fully dissolved.
2. Chill the drink: Transfer the kunu to a refrigerator and chill for at least an hour before serving. Kunu is best enjoyed cold.

Kunu drink: How to make the traditional Nigerian beverage |

Tips for making Kunu drink

  • Experiment with flavours: You can customise your Kunu drink by adding different spices or flavours, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, or vanilla.
  • Adjust the consistency: If you prefer a thicker or thinner drink, adjust the amount of water used during blending and cooking.
  • Storage: Kunu drink can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. Stir well before serving, as it may settle over time.

Health Benefits of Kunu drink

Kunu is not only delicious but also nutritious. It is rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals, making it a healthy addition to your diet. The spices used in Kunu, such as cloves and ginger, also offer various health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and digestive properties.

In conclusion, making Kunu drink at home is a simple process that involves soaking, blending, straining, and cooking grains with spices. This traditional Nigerian drink is a delightful way to enjoy the flavours and health benefits of millet, sorghum, or maize.

Whether you’re new to Kunu or a long-time fan, this guide will help you create a refreshing beverage that everyone can enjoy.

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