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You Can Calm Your Nerves After A Stressful Day With These 5 Healthy Drinks



Stress is one major thing that we can’t seem to get rid of, annoyingly it can also be really damaging health wise.

There are days when we are so stressed either because of work or because of our families and this may result in your lashing out at the innocent people around.

These 5 Healthy Drinks Would Clam Your Nerves After A stressful Day

Water is one drink that we can never get enough of, natural and packed with all we need, drinking water throughout the day keeps us alert. Spice things up by adding flavor’s like lemon, a slice of lime or a wedge of orange.

Freshly squeezed fruit juice is perfect, its packed with vitamins and minerals that would keep you sharp and alert all day.

Coffee: nothing beats starting your day with a cup of coffee, this is one drink that would calm your nerves immediately.

Hot tea: it could be green tea, black tea, etc whatever it is, tea keeps you sharp and alert.


Skimmed milk provides you the nutrient that you need to sustain your energy level throughout the day.



Here Are 3 Foods You Should Eat During Travel



Road Trip: These Are 3 Foods You Should Eat |

Ditch the greasy gas station food and avoid feeling sluggish on your next road trip or travel. Avoid greasy and heavy meals like fast food and potato chips. These unhealthy fats are slow to digest and can leave you feeling tired and weighed down.

Instead, focus on lighter options that are easier on your stomach and provide sustained energy. Fresh fruits and vegetables, like apples, grapes, carrots, and celery, are perfect. They’re full of water to keep you hydrated and natural sugars for a quick pick-me-up.

While stopping for local food can be fun, it can also disrupt your trip and be expensive.

Prepping your own snacks in reusable containers like Tupperware is a lifesaver. Portion them out beforehand to avoid overindulging, and you’ll have healthy options readily available when hunger strikes.

A major benefit of packing your own snacks is knowing exactly what you’re putting in your body. Pre-packaged snacks and gas station treats are often loaded with hidden sugars, unhealthy fats, and excessive sodium, which can lead to jitters, crashes, and dehydration.

By preparing your own food, you control the quality of the ingredients and choose whole, unprocessed options that will keep you energised for the miles ahead. Check out these three super meals below; they are perfect meals to eat during travel.

1. Overnight oats

Road Trip: Overnight Oats |

This is a versatile base recipe that can be enjoyed in different ways! It’s healthy and delicious, and it can be easily prepped and stored in the fridge for a quick and convenient meal. Here’s the beauty of it:

You can customise it with your favourite protein source, like grilled chicken, tofu, or even hard-boiled eggs. Add a dollop of nut butter, like peanut butter or almond butter, for a creamy and protein-packed boost.

Feeling like something sweet? Top it off with fresh berries, chopped fruits, or even a sprinkle of dried fruit for a burst of flavour and vitamins. If you prefer a sweeter taste, drizzle on some honey or maple syrup for a touch of natural sweetness.

2. Hard-boiled eggs

Road trip food: Hard Boiled Eggs |

Forget searching for fancy superfoods—eggs might be the champion you’ve been missing. Eggs are a complete protein source, meaning they contain all the essential amino acids your body needs. This makes them perfect for building and repairing muscles and keeping you feeling satisfied.

Eggs are packed with healthy fats that keep you energised and help your body absorb important vitamins. They are a great source of vitamins B2 and B12, which are essential for energy production, brain function, and keeping your nervous system healthy.

String cheese adds another protein punch to your meal. Each stick packs about 7 grammes of protein, making it a delicious and convenient way to boost your daily intake.

Don’t be afraid to add some sweetness! Throwing in some berries, chopped fruits, or even a sprinkle of dried fruit can add a delicious twist and extra vitamins to your meal.

All these make eggs the perfect food to eat during travel.

3. Grilled chicken meals

Road Trip food: Grilled chicken |

Short on time to cook chicken for your road trip? No worries! You can always grab a pre-cooked rotisserie chicken from the store. It’s a delicious and convenient option.

Healthy road trip essentials

Packing healthy snacks and meals for your road trip is a great way to avoid unhealthy temptations at gas stations and fast food stops. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Plan ahead: Think about the meals and snacks you’ll need for your trip and pack them accordingly.
  • Freeze and pack: Frozen water bottles will double as ice packs to keep your food cold. Pack them in a cooler along with your prepped snacks and meals.
  • Packing smart: Bring reusable containers for your food to avoid waste. Don’t forget reusable cutlery and napkins for easy eating on the go.
Most importantly, have fun!

With a little planning, you can enjoy healthy and delicious food throughout your road trip. Now that you’re prepped, the most important thing is to relax, have fun, and enjoy the adventure!

For more articles like this, check them out here.

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How To Cook Ofe Ugba (Shredded Oil Bean Soup)



How To Cook Ofe Ugba (Oil Bean Soup) |

Have you ever heard of Ofe Ugba? It’s a delicious soup originating from Imo and Abia states in Nigeria. If you’re a fan of okra soup, you’ll love this twist! Ofe Ugba is made by combining the familiar taste of okra soup with a unique ingredient – shredded oil beans. These oil beans add a savoury and nutty flavour to the dish.

Don’t be surprised if you hear someone call it Ofe Ukpaka instead. This literally translates to “Shredded Oil Bean Soup” and describes the dish perfectly. So the next thing we’d do is to get in deep on how to make this delicious Ofe Ugba.

Ingredients for Ofe Ugba

Here’s a breakdown of the ingredients you’ll need to make Ofe Ugba for 4 people:

  • Vegetables:
    • 20 okra fingers (sliced or chopped depending on your preference)
    • 1 cup of ugba (shelled oil beans)
    • 1 onion (chopped)
    • 1 handful of crayfish
    • 1 bunch of garden egg leaves (or spinach if you can’t find garden egg leaves)
  • Protein:
    • 2 pieces of dry fish (like catfish or mangala fish)
    • 2 pieces of stockfish (dried cod fish)
    • 1 smoked mackerel (smoked titus fish)
  • Flavorings:
    • 2 tablespoons of palm oil
    • Habanero pepper (amount depends on how spicy you like it)
    • 1 piece of ogiri okpei (also called dawa dawa or iru, a fermented bean paste for added depth)
  • Seasoning:
    • Salt to taste

Ofe Ugba: How To Cook Ofe Ugba (Oil Bean Soup) |

Some tips for using the ingredients

  • Feel free to adjust the recipe to your taste: Don’t worry about following the exact amount of every ingredient. This recipe is a guide, not a rule.
  • Make the ugba the star: No matter what else you add, be sure the flavour of the ugba comes through.
  • Choose your protein: we used only fish, but you can add any kind of meat you like (except chicken).
  • Pick your spice level: Add as much habanero pepper (or cayenne pepper) as you can handle for a spicy kick.
  • Leaf it to you: Use the amount of leafy greens you prefer. In Nigeria, garden egg leaves are common, but spinach works well too.
  • Oil is optional: Adjust the palm oil based on how rich you want the soup to be.

What you need to do before cooking Ofe Ugba:

  1. Give everything a good wash: Make sure to rinse all the vegetables and fish carefully. Especially the dry fish and stockfish, since they might have dust or sand on them from being out in the market.
  2. Soften the stockfish: Soak the stockfish in water for a few minutes, then scrub it with a brush to remove any dirt.
  3. Prep the dry fish: Soak the dry fish in cool or warm water until it softens. Then take the time to clean it, remove any bones, and break it into pieces.
  4. Shred the smoked fish: Break the smoked fish into small pieces, take out any bones, and rinse it clean.
  5. Grind the crayfish and ogiri okpei: Use a mortar and pestle (or a food processor) to grind the crayfish and ogiri okpei together.
  6. Prepare the okra: Cut the okra into pieces. For the best texture, it’s recommended to hand-cut the okra instead of blending it. Grating is an option, but chopping by hand is ideal.
  7. Chop the aromatics: Simply slice the onion and pepper into small pieces. You can also grind the pepper if you prefer a smoother texture.
  8. Chop the greens: Cut the garden egg leaves (or spinach) into bite-sized pieces.

Ofe Ugba: How To Cook Ofe Ugba (Oil Bean Soup) |

Step-by-step guide on how to cook Ofe Ugba

  1. Simmer the stockfish: Put the stockfish in a pot with a small amount of water. Add more water only as needed because you want the final soup to have as little water as possible. You can use a pressure cooker to speed up this step and soften the stockfish quickly.
  2. Flake the stockfish: Once the stockfish is soft, use a spoon to break it into small pieces.
  3. Add flavour: Put in the dry fish, Ugba, crayfish, pepper, onions, ogiri okpei, smoked fish, and palm oil. Cover the pot and cook over high heat, stirring often to prevent burning.
  4. Incorporate vegetables: After about 5 minutes, add the leafy greens and okra. Stir everything together and add more salt if needed. Remember, you want minimal water in the pot before adding the vegetables.
  5. Finish cooking and preserve colour: Once the vegetables are cooked through, take the pot off the heat immediately and transfer the soup to another container. This helps keep the green vegetables bright and fresh.

Ofe Ugba is delicious on its own, but it’s traditionally served with a “swallow.” Different kinds of swallow you can use for this soup are eba, fufu, semo, pounded yam, and wheat.

For more articles on food, check here.

For a visual illustration of how to make the soup, watch this.

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How To Make Yummy Coconut Candy With 3 Ingredients



How To Make Coconut Candy With 3 Ingredients |

In Nigeria, coconut candy isn’t just a sweet treat; it’s a cultural touchstone that bridges generations. For grandparents and grandchildren alike, the taste of coconut candy can spark a wave of nostalgia. It’s a flavour that cuts across age, instantly taking many Nigerians back to happy childhood experiences.

Perhaps it was a reward after finishing chores, a special treat shared with friends, or a simple pleasure enjoyed at a local market. The memories come flooding back with every delicious bite.

The beauty of this candy lies in its surprising textures. One bite might be a soft and chewy delight, bursting with sweetness, depending on how it’s made. Another bite could offer a fun contrast, with a delightful crunch that keeps it delicious. It’s a textural adventure in every piece.

One thing unites all these delicious variations: the taste of coconut. This flavour is the heart and soul of the candy—the constant that makes it such a beloved Nigerian classic. Whether you get a chewy or crunchy bite, that coconut is what keeps you coming back for more.

Raphiat’s Lifestyle features a recipe that requires just 3 ingredients: coconut, sugar, and salt. That’s right, only 3 basic ingredients are needed to create this delightful treat. But don’t be fooled by the short ingredient list.

Raphiat’s Lifestyle goes the extra mile by providing a clear breakdown of each step in the process. So, you can follow along with confidence and whip up a batch of this delicious candy, even if you’re a beginner in the kitchen.

Watch below:

Check out more on food here!

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