Being ready for a relationship is more than just wanting one. Anyone can want a relationship but if you’re not actually ready to handle the responsibility of a romantic partner, chances are, it’s not gonna end well.
Here are five signs you’re not ready for a relationship, regardless of if you think you are;
You Have Trust Issues
A mistake that a lot of people make is taking past baggage into their current relationship. If you’ve been betrayed in the past, it’s understandable that you might be a bit sensitive when someone doesn’t call you when they say that they will or you see them talking to another woman. But who you’re with now is not who you were with then. If you’re not ready to accept that fact, if you’re always going to be comparing them to an ex, you’re probably not ready for a relationship.
You Don’t Really Like To Compromise
This point pretty much ties into the selfish thing. If everything has to be about you, if you’re not open to compromising, there is no way that you’re going to be able to make a relationship work. You’re definitely better off alone.
You’re Still “Involved” With Your Ex
If you still find a way to sneak to talk (or more) with your ex, things are still pretty unresolved between the two of you. It’s unfair to the next guy to try and be in a relationship with him until you’re done with your old boyfriend. Get the past taken care of first. For the sake of all parties involved.
You Like To Casually Date (Several People At Once)
There’s nothing wrong with casually dating. Just so long as you know what it means. The word “casual” means to do things without a real purpose or intention. People who do this with several folks, tend to not be the ones who are looking for an exclusive situation.
You’re Selfish (Or Self-Absorbed)
Relationships are only successful if both people are willing to step outside of themselves to see what the other person needs. If you have absolutely no desire to do that, if you like being “all about you”, don’t get into a relationship. It’s selfish—and a bit mean—to date someone but not want to compromise or share.