It’s important that your body has vital nutrients that help fight inflammation like B vitamins, omega-3s, vitamin D, and magnesium. If you can, get tested to find out if your body is lacking any specific nutrients.

Exercise Regularly to Keep Your Detoxification Organs Active

Daily exercise is absolutely essential for keeping your whole body in good working order, including your gut. Physical activity stimulates your body’s major detoxification organs, including your intestines, urinary tract, sweat glands, circulatory system, and lymphatics. When these systems are able to move toxins and waste out of the body, inflammation is kept to a minimum.

Reduce your stress levels

Stress is linked to inflammation, so try to find activities that can help you to relax, even for just a few moments at a time. Whether it’s meditation, a bubble bath, going for a walk, yoga, or simply taking some deep breaths, these practices are actually key to long-term health.