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5 Tips To Be Amazingly Good At Asking Questions



When you ask a question, you have to know what you want for an answer. Once you know what kind of information you need and who to ask, you have to ask your questions in a manner that gets the best possible information in response. Asking amazing great questions is skill like any other skill, it takes practice.

Here are some ways to draw out what you need to know.

Don’t ask yes or no questions

When you ask a yes or no question, you will most often get incomplete information. Instead, ask an open-ended question. By using an open-ended question you get insights and additional information you might not have known existed.

Know your purpose 

Every question you ask should help you gather either facts or an opinion. Know which kind of information you need and frame your questions accordingly.

Don’t interrupt

Don’t interrupt the person with whom you are talking. First, it tells the person you don’t value what they are saying. Interrupting stops their train of thought and directs the conversation the way you want, not necessarily the way it should go. Ask your question, then let the person answer it in full, even when you think you are not getting the answer you want. Listen fully to what they are saying and use that to direct them back to the topic in the next question when there is a natural pause.

Follow general questions with specific ones

Build a hierarchy of questions that begins with the big picture and gradually drills down into specifics with follow-up questions.

Ask only essential questions

If you don’t really care about the information that’s likely to come, don’t ask the question. Respect the other person’s time and attention to avoid appearing resistant to closing the deal.

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5 Products Every Man Needs For Healthy Skin Glow



Skincare Products Men Need For healthy Skin Glow |

Men and skincare are gradually becoming a thing! Gone are the days when skincare was considered a women’s domain. Men’s skin has unique needs too, and facing challenges like dryness, wrinkles, and even acne.

There are essential products for a healthy glow that men should use. Here, we will explore some of these essential skincare products men should have in their routine, along with the benefits they offer.

1. Sunscreen

Sunscreen isn’t just for vacations at the beach! The sun emits harmful UV rays that damage skin over time, leading to wrinkles, dark spots, and even an increased risk of skin cancer. For men, this can be especially noticeable in areas like the face, neck, and ears that get frequent sun exposure.

Sunscreen helps shield your skin from these damaging rays. Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Broad-spectrum means it protects against both UVA and UVB rays, the two main types of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

See a breakdown of what SPF means below:

  • SPF 15: Blocks about 93% of UVB rays
  • SPF 30: Blocks about 97% of UVB rays
  • SPF 50: Blocks about 98% of UVB rays

While SPF 50 offers slightly more protection, SPF 30 is generally sufficient for daily use. Apply sunscreen generously to all exposed skin parts at least 15 minutes before going outside, and reapply every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating.

2. Retinol

As men age, their skin naturally loses collagen, a protein that keeps skin plump and youthful. This can lead to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. Retinol, a form of Vitamin A, is a powerful ingredient that can help combat these signs of ageing.

Retinol works by stimulating collagen production and increasing skin cell turnover. This results in smoother, firmer skin with a more even tone.

While retinol is highly effective, it can also be irritating to some people. It’s recommended to start with a low concentration and use it only a few times a week at first. Gradually increase frequency as your skin adjusts.

Here are some tips for using retinol:

  • Apply it at night, as sunlight can break it down.
  • Use a moisturizer after applying retinol, as it can be drying.
  • Avoid using other harsh skincare products with retinol, as it can irritate your skin.

Consider a gentler alternative: If retinol is too harsh for your skin, consider using a bakuchiol product. Bakuchiol is a plant-derived ingredient that offers some of the same benefits as retinol but with less irritation.

3. Moisturizer

Just like drinking water is important for your overall health, keeping your skin hydrated is crucial for a healthy glow. Moisturizer traps water in the skin, preventing it from drying out and becoming flaky or itchy. This is especially important for men, as their skin tends to be oilier and can be more prone to dryness with frequent shaving.

Look for a moisturizer that is labelled as “oil-free” or “non-comedogenic” if you have oily or acne-prone skin. These types of moisturizers won’t clog your pores.

4. Cleanser

While soap can remove some surface dirt, it often strips the skin of its natural oils, leaving it feeling dry and tight. A good facial cleanser is specifically formulated to remove dirt, oil, and sweat without disrupting the skin’s natural balance.

There are many types of cleansers available, so choose one that suits your skin type. For example, men with oily skin might benefit from a gel cleanser, while those with dry skin might prefer a creamier cleanser.

Here’s how to cleanse your face properly:

  • Wet your face with lukewarm water.
  • Apply a dime-sized amount of cleanser to your hands and massage it gently onto your face, avoiding the eye area.
  • Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water and pat your face dry with a clean towel.

5. Hydration

Drinking enough water is essential for overall health, and it also plays a vital role in skin health. Water helps to flush toxins from the body and keeps skin hydrated from the inside out.

Aim to drink eight glasses of water per day for optimal health and a radiant complexion.

Building your skincare routine

While this article highlights some essential products, a skincare routine for men doesn’t have to be complicated. Start with a basic routine of cleansing, moisturizing, and using sunscreen daily.

Once your skin adjusts, you can incorporate additional products like retinol for anti-ageing benefits. Remember, consistency is required here! Sticking to a regular skincare routine will help you achieve a healthy

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9 Reasons Renting Might Be Right For You



Homeownership: Reasons Renting Might Be Right For You |

The decision of whether to rent or buy a house is a big one. For many people, homeownership is seen as the ultimate goal. But what if renting actually offers some advantages for your lifestyle? Here are 9 reasons why renting a house might be a better choice for you than buying one:

1. Lower upfront costs

Buying a house requires a significant down payment, typically ranging from 3.5% to 20% of the purchase price. This can be a huge financial hurdle, especially for young adults or those just starting out in their careers.

Renting eliminates the need for a down payment, allowing you to move in with just a security deposit, which is usually a fraction of the down payment required for buying.

2. Greater flexibility and mobility

Are you someone who craves new experiences or might need to relocate for work? Renting offers much more flexibility than owning a house. Leases typically last for a year or two, allowing you to move freely based on your needs and wants.

Selling a house, on the other hand, can be a time-consuming and expensive process, making it harder to pick up and go quickly.

3. Less financial risk from fluctuating housing markets

The housing market can be unpredictable. If you buy a house and the market dips, you could end up underwater on your mortgage (owing more than the house is worth).

As a renter, you’re not responsible for the value of the property. If the market goes down, you’re not financially impacted.

4. Predictable monthly costs

Renters enjoy predictable monthly payments that typically cover rent, trash collection, and sometimes even utilities like water or basic cable.

This makes budgeting easier and eliminates the worry of unexpected expenses for repairs or property taxes that homeowners face.

5. Maintenance-free living

As a renter, you’re not responsible for repairs or maintenance of the property. Leaky faucets, broken appliances, or roof problems become the landlord’s responsibility, freeing you up from the time, effort, and cost of fixing things yourself.

6. Access to amenities often unavailable in single-family homes

Many rental properties, especially apartments and condos, come with amenities like swimming pools, fitness centres, laundry facilities, and even on-site maintenance staff.

These perks can significantly enhance your quality of life and may not be available if you buy a single-family home.

7. The potential for lower overall housing costs

Depending on your location and the rental market, renting can actually be more affordable than owning.

When you factor in property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, and the cost of repairs and maintenance, owning a house can come with hidden expenses that can quickly add up.

8. Freedom from the commitment of homeownership

Homeownership is a long-term commitment. Renting allows you more freedom to explore different neighbourhoods, living situations, or even cities without being tied down to one location.

This can be ideal for young professionals, students, or those with a constantly evolving lifestyle.

9. Avoiding the “burden” of homeownership

For some people, the responsibility of homeownership can feel overwhelming. Owning a house means constant upkeep, yard work, and dealing with unexpected repairs.

Renting allows you to live a more carefree lifestyle without the burden of property management.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to rent or buy a house depends on your circumstances, financial goals, and lifestyle preferences. If you value flexibility, predictable costs, and a maintenance-free lifestyle, then renting might be the smarter option for you.

Renting allows you to focus on your career, travel, or other priorities without the burden of homeownership.

If you liked this article, read more here.

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Foods & Drinks To Take After Tear Gas Exposure



Foods & Drinks To Take After Tear Gas Exposure |

Tear gas is a chemical irritant used in some situations to control crowds. If you’ve been exposed to tear gas, it’s important to know what to eat and drink to help your body recover. This article will guide you through the best foods and drinks to have after tear gas exposure.

Why food and drink choices matter after tear gas exposure

After tear gas exposure, your body needs help to heal. The right foods and drinks can:

  1. Reduce inflammation (swelling) in your body
  2. Help flush out the harmful chemicals
  3. Boost your immune system (the body’s defence system)
  4. Provide comfort and relief

Hydration: the most important step

Drinking plenty of water is the single most important thing you can do after tear gas exposure. Water helps to:

  • Flush out the tear gas chemicals from your body
  • Keep you hydrated (having enough fluids in your body)
  • Soothe your throat if it’s irritated

Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water in the hours after exposure. Keep drinking water regularly throughout the next few days.

Other hydrating drinks include:

Coconut water

This is a good choice because it has natural electrolytes (minerals that help with hydration), is gentle on your stomach, and can help replace fluids you’ve lost.

Herbal teas

Some helpful herbal teas include:

  • Chamomile tea: It can help calm your nerves and reduce inflammation.
  • Ginger tea: This can help with nausea and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Green tea: It’s full of antioxidants that can help your body heal.

Avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee or regular tea, as these can dehydrate you.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are important because they contain vitamins and minerals that help your body heal. They have antioxidants that fight inflammation. Also, they provide fibre to help your digestive system.

Some good choices are:

  • Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
  • Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits) (Wait a day or two if your throat is sore)
  • Leafy greens (spinach, kale)
  • Carrots
  • Bananas – these are another soft and easy-to-eat option. They’re also a great source of potassium, a mineral that can help replenish electrolytes lost through sweating or irritation.

Soups and broths

Soups and broths are a great choice after tear gas exposure for a few reasons. First, if your throat is sore and swallowing is painful, broths and soups are very easy to swallow. They’re nice and smooth, going down gently without irritating your throat further.

Second, broths and soups provide extra fluids to your body. This is important because tear gas can dehydrate you, and staying hydrated helps your body flush out the tear gas chemicals.

You can make your own vegetable soup packed with chopped carrots, celery, and spinach, or simply have some clear chicken broth for a quick and easy option. Both will help you rehydrate and feel better.

If your mouth or throat feels irritated and sore after tear gas exposure, some gentle foods can help soothe the discomfort and make eating a little easier.


This is soft and cool food that’s easy to swallow. It’s also a good source of probiotics, which are live bacteria that help keep your gut healthy. Having healthy gut bacteria can be helpful during recovery because it supports your immune system.

Foods to avoid after tear gas exposure

While your body heals from tear gas exposure, it’s best to avoid certain foods that can irritate your throat and stomach even more.

Spicy foods

Put down the hot sauce for a few days! Spicy foods irritate your throat and stomach lining, which can already be inflamed from the tear gas. This will make you feel more uncomfortable and might even cause heartburn.

Acidic foods

Take a break from those tangy tomatoes and citrus fruits (except maybe strawberries if your throat feels alright). Acidic foods irritate your already sore throat, making it feel scratchy and painful. Wait a day or two after exposure before having these again.

Vinegar-based foods

Similar to acidic fruits, dressings, marinades, and condiments with vinegar can irritate your throat. It’s best to avoid them for a few days after tear gas exposure.

Dairy products

Some people find that dairy products, like milk, cheese, and yoghurt, can increase mucus production. This can make congestion worse, especially if you’re already experiencing a runny nose or post-nasal drip from the tear gas. If you notice more mucus after consuming dairy, avoid it for a few days and see if your symptoms improve.


Hold off on that celebratory beer! Alcohol is dehydrating, and you need plenty of fluids to flush out the tear gas chemicals. Drinking alcohol can also worsen your overall discomfort and slow down your healing process. It’s best to wait at least 24 hours after exposure before consuming any alcohol.

Additional tips

  • Eat small, frequent meals if your stomach is upset.
  • Choose foods that are room temperature or cool, not very hot.
  • Listen to your body: If a food doesn’t feel good, don’t eat it.

In conclusion…

After tear gas exposure, focus on staying hydrated and eating foods that will help your body heal. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and choose soft, gentle foods if your throat is sore.

Avoid spicy, acidic foods and alcohol. With the right food and drink choices, you can help your body recover more quickly from tear gas exposure.

For more articles like this, visit here.

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