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I Should Have Gone For Money Instead Of Love – Yvonne Jegede



Yvonne Jegede says she should have married for money |

In a recent interview, Nigerian actress Yvonne Jegede talked about her past marriage. She said she wished she had considered financial security more before getting married.

Jegede was married to actor Olakunle Fawole, but their marriage ended. In the interview, she said things changed after they got married. Her husband started finding fault with how she talked to him. He also made a big deal about their age difference, even though it wasn’t a problem before.

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How To Keep Your Apartment Cool Without Air Conditioning



How To Keep Your Apartment Cool Without Air Conditioning |

As temperatures rise, keeping your apartment cool becomes a top priority. While air conditioning is the go-to solution for many, there are several effective ways to cool your living space without AC. By implementing a combination of strategies, you can create a comfortable environment even during the hottest days of summer.

1. Utilise natural ventilation

Natural ventilation is one of the simplest and most effective ways to cool your apartment. Open windows and doors on opposite sides of your apartment to encourage cross-ventilation. This allows for fresh air to flow through your space, dissipating heat and creating a cooling breeze.

2. Harness the power of fans

Fans are invaluable tools for circulating air and creating a cooling effect. Invest in portable fans or utilise ceiling fans if available. Position fans strategically to maximise airflow, such as by placing them near windows or doorways to draw in cooler air from outside or create a cross breeze within your apartment.

3. Block out sunlight

Direct sunlight can quickly heat up your apartment, so it’s essential to block out as much sunlight as possible during the hottest parts of the day. Close curtains or blinds to keep out sunlight, particularly on windows that receive direct sunlight. Consider using reflective or blackout curtains for maximum effectiveness.

4. DIY air conditioning

Create your DIY air conditioning system by placing bowls of ice in front of fans. As the ice melts, the fan will blow cooler air into your living space, providing temporary relief from the heat. You can also hang damp towels in front of open windows to cool incoming air as it passes through.

5. Reduce heat-generating activities

Minimise activities that generate heat within your apartment, especially during the hottest parts of the day. Avoid using hot water appliances, cooking on stovetops, or running electronics that produce heat. Opt for cooler cooking methods like grilling or using a microwave instead.

6. Optimise insulation

Ensure your apartment is well-insulated to keep cool air in and hot air out. Seal any gaps around windows and doors to prevent air leaks. Consider using heat-reflective materials on windows or exterior walls to reduce heat absorption.

7. Stay cool with smart habits

Incorporate heat-resistant materials into your living space, such as lightweight, breathable fabrics for bedding and clothing. Additionally, create a comfortable sleeping environment by using cotton sheets and lightweight blankets.


Cooling your apartment without air conditioning is achievable with a combination of simple yet effective strategies. By utilising natural ventilation, fans, sunlight-blocking techniques, DIY air conditioning methods, and smart habits, you can create a comfortable living space even during the hottest days of summer. Experiment with different approaches to find the combination that works best for your apartment and lifestyle, and enjoy a cool and refreshing environment all summer long.

Long-term solutions to keep your apartment cool

  • Weather Stripping: Draughty windows and doors can allow hot air to seep in. Invest in weather stripping to seal any gaps and improve your apartment’s insulation.

  • Attic Ventilation: If your apartment gets particularly hot, consider improving attic ventilation. This helps to remove hot air trapped in the attic before it radiates down into your living space.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively cool your apartment and create a comfortable haven during the hottest summer months. Remember, consistency is key. By making small adjustments to your daily routine and utilising these cooling hacks, you can keep cool and beat the heat without relying on air conditioning.

If you enjoyed reading this article, consider reading more here.

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3 Reasons A Woman Doesn’t Get Wet In Bed



Vaginal Dryness: reasons for vaginal dryness during sex |

Vaginal dryness is a common issue many women face during sex, and it can significantly impact intimacy. Unlike what some sources might say, lubrication isn’t solely dependent on being “wet” right before sex. It’s a natural process that unfolds with arousal. However, when vaginal dryness occurs, it can lead to discomfort or even pain. This makes sex unpleasant for both partners.

The reasons behind vaginal dryness are varied. It goes from hormonal changes, stress, certain medications, or underlying health conditions. If you’re experiencing dryness, the first step is to identify the potential cause.

Talking openly and honestly with your partner is key. You can explore different approaches to increasing lubrication, like using lubricants or engaging in foreplay that allows for natural lubrication to develop.

See the different reasons for vaginal dryness below.

1. Absence of or no foreplay

Engaging in foreplay is a way to help a woman become aroused before sex. If she finds it difficult to get aroused, you can touch the sensitive parts of her body, kiss deeply, and spend a lot of time on foreplay. This will help her body become more responsive to yours.

2. Stress

Stress can make it difficult for a woman to be wet and ready for sex. It can get her totally out of the mood, especially if she is also unhappy about something. This can make her upset and unsettling. You must help her relax and ease off before initiating the act.

3. Side effects of medication

Some medications have side effects such as hormonal changes and imbalance, dizziness, and fatigue, which can make a woman not ready for the sex act. Her hormones might be up against her desire to have sex so may not get wet.

Furthermore, a satisfying sexual life is built on mutual enjoyment and open communication. By working together to address dryness, you can create a more pleasurable and fulfilling sexual experience for both of you.

For more updates like this, you can access our sex page here.

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