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Under 40 CEOs. Read What Uki Dare of Poise Had To Say On The Show



If you have never caught an episode of Under 40 CEOs since it hit the airwaves in October, 2015 then you really do need to make it a date to watch at 9pm (Nigerian Time), every Wednesday on SIlverbird Television Dream Network. You may also watch on DSTV Channel 252 at same time.

Ukinebo Dare is the CEO at Poise Graduate Finishing School and she was our guest last week Wednesday. Please do read excerpts from her interview below and be inspired.

Ukinebo Dare

Ukinebo Dare

As a student, I opted for sciences because my role model, mentor and everything is my Dad. My Dad is an engineer so I always wanted to study engineering. Early in life I had discovered what I wanted to do was to teach people. Even though i was working in IT, I wanted to go out of the sciences, and after working in the IT for 3 years and enjoying it, I just felt like I could do my masters in an IT related course which is what everybody expected or I could just use that opportunity to branch out totally and do management.
I worked for Oando, an indigenous oil company between 2007 – 2008 and when I went for my MSC in Management and got back to Nigeria, I was considering whether to go back to Oando or not. However, in my discussion with them, I indicated that I really was looking for somewhere outside IT. So, while we were discussing that and trying to find something in my new direction, the opportunity to start the Poise Graduate Finishing Academy (PGFA) came up. And that was in 2009, and it has been everything that is in line with all what i wanted to do. It has been about grooming and teaching people. The most important part was that it was new.
In relation to my twitter bio, obeying God was one of the things that inspired my coming to Poise. It all started when I was in the University, I attended a seminar by Myles Munroe where he talked about “Purpose” and how we are all designed for something and his formula for finding out what we are all designed for, is praying about it and figure out that thing that you really love and hate the most, and that shows you what you should be doing. I had gotten to that point where I followed the steps as he prescribed and I discovered that thing that would give me fulfillment is helping people to see the truth in terms of how things should be done, how can I make my life better? How can I change my situation? So, running the Poise Graduate Finishing Academy was in line with what I wanted to do. In training these graduates, we help them go from feeling helpless to feeling powerful. When Poise Graduate Finishing Academy started, it was a new thing and it was meant to run as a department within Poise, which was why I started as the Head of the Graduate Finishin Academy. As the years went by, the growth of the academy meant that it could actually stand on its own as a separate entity within the group. That was how the transition went from being the head of the department to pushing that department into its own entity and that was how I became the CEO.

Ukinebo In A Training Session.

Ukinebo In A Training Session.

As a trainer, writer, brand strategist, brand manager and business advisor, I am very passionate because my passion is to introduce people to the best version of themselves. I see people going through life and trying to be someone else. Even asides trying to be someone else, some are just okay with who they are, but they feel trapped with who they currently are. Early in life, my dad taught me something which says “your nurture and not your nature will determine your destiny in life”. I am all about push yourself; there is more within you that you can’t get to the end. That is why I say this is not the best version of me, because if tomorrow I find something else that I don’t know how to do, I will push myself to learn it if I need to. So by introducing people to the best version of them, the first thing I try to do is to help them believe in themselves and see that there is so much more.

At Poise Graduate Finishing Academy, the key thing for us is that we teach employability skills in a way that is totally in-depth. There are many employability skills programs out there, and one could do an employability skill for 2 weeks, 1 week, or a month. Our own program is 3 long months of coming to class 4 days a week and that is because, we don’t just want to teach you, we want you to become it. When you learn about problem solving, project management in the office or running events at work, you are not just going to learn it in class, you are going to have that event, invite people and execute it. So for us, at the end of the day we ensure, you don’t just have the head knowledge, we ensure all the skills is part of you. In addition to that, we teach our students business etiquette and everything related so they have an edge.

There are many unemployed people out there that we just want to keep doing more. Since Poise Graduate Finishing Academy started, we have trained over 14,000 graduates and they have been through various levels of the training. Sometimes we do free seminars, but for those who have gone through the PSENSE training will have an 87% of employment rate. Now, these people are working in different industries, some of them are even managers because we started poise about 6 years ago. I went for a meeting some days back, and when I got into the organization I met the HR manager who finished from the training and others who finished as well. These people are finishing and are getting employed, and for us we just believe that it is because employers know what they are looking for, and when they see it, they recognize it and if they recognize it, they will acquire it. An employer can see what they are looking for in the skills of a person, but if they don’t recognize it, it is because the person doesn’t know how to showcase himself; they might pass him or her on. In fighting unemployment, we drive our students to be the best, we have some who finished and became entrepreneurs and have also employed people.
For PGFA, graduates are my primary target, we usually work with 0- 2 years’ experience, some in their final year in school, or those who have finished from the university but haven’t gone for the National Youth Service. We also have people that just started a job and they feel like they are not really doing their best in the job. So 0-2 years’ work experience are the typical set of people we work with and sometimes organizations invite us to train their entry level employees to take them to that level. The PSENSE employability skills first started as a 6-month long course because we actually did some engagement sessions with employers and students and we were looking for the size of the gap. That is the gap between what employers want and what the graduates are leaving school with. The 6 months was very long, so actually made the program more intensive and reduced it to 3 months. The PSENSE training has 3 stages, the Basic is the first, which we believe are the core skills if you want to work in an organization, and that is good ICT skills. A lot of graduates have ICT skills, but their best is to post on Facebook. And with the way the educational system is, so many students pay people to write their project, and many can’t even use Microsoft word. From the PSENSE training, we teach them basic ICT skills, work ethics, professionalism, how to act in the office, telephone etiquette, interview skills and CV writing. The next stage is the PSENSE Professional and this is a little bit deeper. Here we teach them how to start running projects like they are at work. They run a charity project, they do something called sell a product, where they come together to run a business. And they actually have to run the business and make profit. While they are writing proposals, memo, letters, we are checking all those things. They learn things like business writing, creative thinking, innovations and all. The 3rd stage is the PSENSE Executive. This stage is the finishing of your personality profession. All through the learning skills, we do over 32 different soft skills like projects, classroom section, and then real life activities. One key thing in PSENSE is that, the students don’t just feel like they are sitting down in class and absorbing information, we get them to act. We cover soft skills in such a way that we put our students into a lot of pressure, so that when they go out there to work they can offer more skills than their colleagues.
In having the best business, the key advice to an employee or CEO is to know who you are. You need to know why you are there. The key thing we teach at poise is interpreting your personality in the best way. The major reason for the finishing academy is not just to train a lot people but to change what employability means in Nigeria. We had to do a lot of work in designing the PSENSE exams, the certification programs and to get it endorsed by NUC. When we were working on it, we believed that if we have something this comprehensive and we take it to NUC, they will be able to push it to universities, but they endorsed it and gave us letters to all the Vice Chancellors for us to push it to the Universities. The reason why PGF Academy exists is to re-engineer the nation’s work force for the average graduate to be employable. It drives us in everything we do; it helps us to keep going out every day to find different ways to achieve that aim.
As an editor in chief of the magazine, “The Young Executive Diary”, it covers everything about starting up a good career from a fun perspective and it is mainly to educate young people. Travelling and interacting with diverse cultures has helped to enrich myself, the program and has made me to always remember that we are not training graduates to work in Nigeria only but in any part of the world. One of the key challenges that I have faced is doing something that is not very common. Being able to have that extra resilience to help people buy into an idea and understand it. Another thing would be patience. Finally, I had to come up with different ways to keep reviving my passion and interest by seeing that we give the best every time. In pertaining to my business, my leadership style is relaxing, but sometimes i change in an instant.

As a leader i have failed, and failing as a leader started in my early business and I was very tough. Then, if a person doesn’t get the job right, I would snap quickly that why won’t you get it right. I had a situation where I started something well and along the line i just got bored. So I decided to start something else without actually putting all the structures to ensure the first business is doing well while I am on the second one. For now, the current business structure we have is Poise as a group, Poise School of Communication, The Finishing Academy and the Poise Graduate Finishing Academy. In PGFA we set up NGO, because we give a lot of scholarships. The NGO aspect is the new thing that just came and it has been going very well.

Mr FAB with Ukinebo Dare on the show

Mr FAB with Ukinebo Dare on the show

One of our core values is Integrity. In Poise, the first thing you learn is self-awareness and the key to that is integrity. The second thing is Innovation, we don’t believe in doing things because that is how it is done, we want to do things that are still necessary and will make the most impact. Finally, is Impact. I don’t believe in doing anything that doesn’t have an impact on someone. My biggest let-down in my career was when PGF started, we reached out to sponsors and all of them said no. One after the other, they didn’t want to sponsor the employability program. And you turn on your Television set and you see them sponsoring concerts. Over time I realized that there are people out there who actually want to support such program.

I love to eat beans. My style is free. My favorite brand to wear is Gucci. I don’t have a favorite car. I look up to the group CEO of Poise Nigeria, Mrs. Mavis Isibor; The CEO of Chevron PFA, and Mrs. Obafunke Alade. My favorite travel destination is Dubai. My greatest book of all time is “Start Small, Finish Big.” I am reading a book called “ Who Switched Off my Brain” by Dr. Caroline Leaf. What makes me happy is obeying God.


10 Nigerian Sectors Attracting High Foreign Investments



10 Nigerian Sectors Attracting High Foreign Investments |

Nigeria, the giant of Africa, boasts a vibrant economy rich in natural resources and a young, energetic population. This makes it a prime target for foreign investors seeking lucrative opportunities for investments.

While the oil and gas sector has historically dominated foreign investments, recent trends reveal diversification across various industries.

Let’s delve into the top 10 sectors currently attracting significant foreign investments to Nigeria:

1. Banking

The Nigerian banking sector stands tall as the top recipient of foreign investments. The country’s robust financial system, coupled with a growing middle class, presents an attractive market for international banks and investors.

Recent quarters have witnessed a significant surge in foreign capital inflow into Nigerian banks, with a focus on providing financing for businesses and individuals.

2. Trading

The bustling commercial activities in Nigeria make the trading sector a magnet for foreign investments. From established retailers to import and export businesses, the opportunities are vast.

Foreign investors are drawn to the growing consumer base and the potential for establishing efficient distribution networks across the country.

3. Production & Manufacturing

Nigeria’s push for industrialization has opened doors for foreign investors in the production and manufacturing sector.

Investments are flowing into areas like food processing, pharmaceuticals, and construction materials. This sector offers the potential for import substitution, creating jobs, and boosting the nation’s self-sufficiency.

4. Telecommunications

Nigeria’s telecommunications sector has experienced phenomenal growth, fueled by a rising mobile phone penetration rate.

This has attracted significant foreign investments in network infrastructure expansion, mobile money services, and the development of innovative telecommunication solutions.

5. Information Technology (IT) Services

Nigeria’s youthful population and tech-savvy individuals are driving the demand for IT services. Foreign investors are recognizing the potential in areas like software development, cloud computing, and cybersecurity.

This sector presents an exciting opportunity for collaboration and knowledge transfer between international companies and local talent.

6. Shares & Stocks

The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) is a vibrant platform attracting foreign investors seeking to participate in the country’s economic growth.

Investments are channelled into various sectors listed on the NSE, allowing foreigners to diversify their portfolios and tap into the potential of promising Nigerian companies.

7. Financing

The growing demand for financial services, particularly in areas like microfinance and venture capital, is attracting foreign investment in the financing sector.

Foreign investors are providing capital to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and fostering an environment for entrepreneurship to flourish.

8. Electricity

Nigeria’s ongoing quest for a stable and reliable power supply has opened doors for foreign investors in the electricity sector.

Investments are directed towards renewable energy solutions, grid modernization, and independent power generation projects. This sector holds the key to unlocking Nigeria’s economic potential.

9. Agriculture

Despite being a powerhouse in agriculture, Nigeria still relies on imports for certain food items.

This presents an opportunity for foreign investors to partner with local farmers and businesses to improve agricultural practices, and processing techniques, and establish efficient distribution channels.

10. Transportation

Nigeria’s underdeveloped transportation infrastructure is seen as a hurdle by foreign investors. However, this also presents a lucrative opportunity for investment in road construction, railway development, and the modernization of air and seaports.

Improved transportation infrastructure will not only benefit foreign businesses but also enhance the overall economic activity within Nigeria.

In conclusion…

Nigeria’s economic landscape is transforming, attracting foreign investments across diverse sectors. The government’s efforts to create a conducive business environment, coupled with the nation’s abundant resources and vast market potential, make it a compelling destination for foreign capital.

As Nigeria continues on its growth trajectory, these investments will play a crucial role in unlocking its full economic potential and propelling the nation towards a brighter future.

For more business updates, check here.

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7 Reasons Good Logistics Management Is Important For Every Business



Logistics management: it's important for every business |

Imagine your business as a busy kitchen. Ingredients (raw materials) need to be ordered, stored (in the fridge), prepped (production), and cooked (assembled into a product). Then, the final dish (finished product) needs to be delivered hot and fresh (on time and in good condition) to the customer. Logistics management is like the skilled chef who coordinates everything behind the scenes.

Here’s why good logistics management is essential for your business success:

1. Boosting productivity

Good logistics help you optimize production, supply, and delivery processes. This saves money, avoids mistakes, and lets your team work more effectively. They can produce more in less time, without sacrificing quality.

Imagine your kitchen staff having all the ingredients they need, prepped and ready to go. They can whip up delicious meals quickly and efficiently.

2. Running smoothly

Logistics ensures everything runs smoothly, like a well-oiled kitchen. It plans, organizes, and controls everything that happens to your product, from getting ingredients to delivering the final dish. This avoids delays, mistakes, and grumpy customers (because their food arrived cold).

3. Happy customers

Fast and reliable deliveries are what keep customers happy these days. Imagine ordering a pizza – good logistics ensure it arrives hot and on time, making you a hero to your hungry friends. Logistics helps businesses meet these expectations by getting products to customers quickly, which builds trust and keeps them coming back for more.

Logistics management helps you meet customer expectations and build trust. They’ll keep coming back for more if they know they can rely on you to get them what they need when they need it.

4. Saving money

Every business wants to cut costs. Logistics helps by optimizing storage, transportation, and other areas. It’s like using the right amount of fridge space, finding the most efficient way to cook, and negotiating good deals with suppliers. This reduces waste, saves time, and helps your business keep more money in its pocket.

5. Standing out from the crowd

In today’s world, fast and reliable service is a must-have, not a bonus. Customers have many choices, and they’ll often go with the business that offers the quickest and easiest delivery.

Think of two restaurants: one with slow delivery and another with lightning-fast service. Good logistics give businesses an edge over competitors who can’t deliver as efficiently. By offering faster shipping or lower delivery costs, you become the more attractive option.

6. Becoming more agile

With good logistics, you can track and measure each step of the process. This gives you real data to analyze and improve your business. Think of a kitchen constantly looking for ways to improve. Maybe they can find a faster way to chop vegetables or a more efficient layout for the kitchen.

7. Real-time monitoring

Good logistics lets you track everything in real time, from storage to delivery. This allows you to make better decisions and identify areas for improvement. Imagine the kitchen manager being able to see exactly where each delivery driver is and how long it will take them to get to the customer. They can address any issues immediately and keep things running smoothly.

In short, effective logistics management is a secret ingredient for business success. It helps your business run smoothly, save money, keep customers happy, and beat the competition. By having a well-organized logistics system, your business can focus on what it does best – creating great products and providing excellent service.

By implementing effective logistics management, your business can experience many benefits, from increased productivity and happier customers to lower costs and a competitive edge. It’s a win-win for everyone.

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Top 5 Smartphone Brands Dominating Africa’s Market



Top 5 Smartphone brands dominating markets in Africa |

The African smartphone market is booming! Sales of smartphone brands across Africa surged in the first quarter of 2024, according to a report by Canalys. This impressive growth makes Africa the third-fastest-growing region in the world for smartphones.

Here’s a closer look at the numbers:

  • Big jump in shipments: Canalys reports that roughly 18.2 million smartphones were shipped to Africa in the first quarter, which is a significant 24% increase compared to the same period in 2023.

  • Dominant brands: Popular smartphone brands like Transsion, Samsung, and Xiaomi are leading the charge in this growth. These brands are likely popular due to a combination of factors such as brand recognition, affordability, and features that cater to the needs of African consumers.

This significant growth in the African smartphone market suggests a growing number of people across the continent are gaining access to these devices. Smartphones can be powerful tools for communication, education, and economic empowerment, and their increasing availability is a positive sign for Africa’s development.

Let’s take a look at the top 5 smartphone brands dominating Africa’s smartphone market below.

Top 5 smartphone brands in Africa (Q1 2024)

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