In the spirit of the Easter season, several Nigerian comedians told jokes about Jesus and his last hours during their comedy shows that held this Easter...
Nollywood actor and politician, Yul Edochie has left the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) party for the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP. He made the announcement on...
After announcing his intentions to run for the position of the President of Nigeria in the 2019 Presidential elections, Nollywood actor Yul Edochie has pulled out. He says:...
Actor, Yul Edochie has got a few words for people still sending death threats to Big Brother Naija Double Wahala housemates months after the show ended. This follows the recent...
Nollywood actor, Yul Edochie, is the new Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on Creative & Entertainment Media to Anambra State Governor, Willie Obiano. He announced the appointment today on his Instagram page, thanking the...
Nollywood actor and son of veteran actor Pete Edochie, Yul Edochie has annouced that he is running for Governor of Anambra State in the coming Governorship...
Several reactions have followed last week’s video by Nollywood actor, Yul Edochie about his take on domestic violence. In the video, the actor seemed to, while condemning domestic violence, ask...
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