The intriguing original movie “Breath of Life” will be available on Prime Video on December 15, 2023. This touching film, which was produced and directed by...
With Adenike Odubawo and Femi Jacobs playing co-lead roles, principal photography for the upcoming film “Ajaga” is scheduled to begin. Produced by Odubawo, the drama explores...
Uche Jombo Studios is about to start working on its upcoming romantic drama, “A Better Man”. With Taiwo Adebayo in production and Joy Isi Bewaji writing the...
Guess what, a thrilling new romantic comedy “Who Do You Choose?” will be co-led and produced by Nigerian stars, Kunle Remi and Deyemi Okanlawon. The movie,...
Fans of the Merry Men movie franchise will be thrilled to hear some exciting news from popular Nigerian comedian and filmmaker, AY Makun, who took to...
“This is Lagos” is almost ready to enter theatres in December 2023. The movie focuses on the life of Stevo, a young man aspiring to succeed...
In the romantic comedy, “Love In A Showroom”, Nancy Isime and Brodda Shaggi are intended to charm viewers with an unusual pairing. This delightful tale of...
Prepare for a cinematic treat as the highly anticipated film “This is Lagos” makes its way to the big screens in December 2023. This star-studded production...
The beloved Spy Kids franchise which holds a special place in the hearts of those who grew up with it, is making a triumphant return with a...
In the upcoming movie “77: The Festac Conspiracy”, directed by Izu Ojukwu, a Nigerian musician named Seun Kuti, is prepared to fill the iconic shoes...
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