The intriguing original movie “Breath of Life” will be available on Prime Video on December 15, 2023. This touching film, which was produced and directed by...
Uche Jombo Studios is about to start working on its upcoming romantic drama, “A Better Man”. With Taiwo Adebayo in production and Joy Isi Bewaji writing the...
Damilola Adegbite, Anne Icha, Meg Otanwa, and Beverly Naya, who played a close-knit group of friends in the 2015 hit film “Before 30,” are back on...
The well-known comedian Okey Bakassi is coming to the big screen as the lead actor and executive producer of the crime comedy “Bank Alert”. On November...
An important milestone has been reached by the Nigerian drama “Orah,” which won a distribution deal at the esteemed Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) 2023. This new...
The Nollywood heist movie titled, “Charlie And The Boys”, is finally set for release. It is set to premiere on September 29, 2023. The film stars...
Nollywood stars, Jide Kosko and Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, are two of the central characters in ‘Alter Ego’, a thriller about victims of domestic abuse. While Kosoko plays...
Its end time and Nigerian musician have started forgetting their careers and retiring by joining Nollywood. With already a face to sell, the music stars are...
Nollywood filmmaker, Kunle Afolayan is on the set of his fourth film this year. The ace filmmaker will be working on the movie titled Stella and...
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