Following the release of her debut album, “Born In The Wild,” Tems has embarked on a world tour, where she thrilled audiences with her chart-topping songs;...
Afrobeats is experiencing global success. This is due to Nigerian artists achieving international recognition by winning prestigious awards. Also, they collaborate with global stars and sell...
Tems is a Nigerian singer who has become internationally famous. She is considered one of Africa’s most successful musical artists and has won many awards for...
Tems is a very famous singer from Nigeria. Many people around the world know her music. She recently showed that she especially supports the people of...
Spotify unveiled its “Global Impact List” for Nigeria, highlighting the 30 Nigerian songs that made the biggest waves on the platform worldwide in the first half...
Nigerian music star Tems just released her debut album, “Born In The Wild,” on June 7th, 2024. It’s setting the world on fire! On that day,...
Afrobeats fans can finally silence their anticipation! Tems, the genre-bending Nigerian songstress, has unveiled her much-awaited debut album, “Born In The Wild.” A Fully Realised Debut...
Nigerian singer Tems recently opened up about collaborating with the legendary Beyoncé on her 2022 album “Renaissance” in a New York Times interview. Tems explained that...
Tems has become the first female artist from Nigeria to have a project certified gold by the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America). This prestigious achievement...
Nigerian superstar Tems is returning to the stage on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” on May 20th, 2024. This will be her second appearance on...
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