With Adenike Odubawo and Femi Jacobs playing co-lead roles, principal photography for the upcoming film “Ajaga” is scheduled to begin. Produced by Odubawo, the drama explores...
Uche Jombo Studios is about to start working on its upcoming romantic drama, “A Better Man”. With Taiwo Adebayo in production and Joy Isi Bewaji writing the...
Following the completion of their most recent film, “House of Gaa”, BAP Productions has begun main photography on their upcoming film, “Wire Wire”. Lasisi Elenu, Blossom Chukwujekwu,...
The popular entertainment company FilmOne Studios has announced the upcoming theatrical release of “Adire,” its first original feature film. The film emphasises issues deeply rooted in...
The upcoming movie “Hijack 93: The Mad Men & The Aircraft” have commenced its principal photography. The amazing news was shared by Charles Okpaleke the co-founder...
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