The intriguing original movie “Breath of Life” will be available on Prime Video on December 15, 2023. This touching film, which was produced and directed by...
With four new films to their catalog, “Love in a Pandemic”, “Big Love”, “A Weekend to Forget” and the co-produced motion picture “Small Talk“. However, Nancy...
Damilola Adegbite, Anne Icha, Meg Otanwa, and Beverly Naya, who played a close-knit group of friends in the 2015 hit film “Before 30,” are back on...
Prime Video will launch a new African original series called “Ebuka Turns Up Africa“. It features the Nigerian star, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu. This travel-reality show will take...
Exciting news for movie lovers!!! Eddie Murphy will make his debut in the Christmas comedy “Candy Cane Lane”. The main character, played by Murphy, sets out...
Amazing news for Nollywood lovers as Funke Akindele is set to star in a captivating five-part drama series titled “SHE Must Be Obeyed” which is set...
Get ready to be blown away by the incredible creativity of the Nollywood industry! Brace yourself for an exhilarating cinematic experience with the highly-anticipated movie, “Teni’s...
“Battle on Buka Street” will be premiering on prime video June 16th, 2023. The movie is said to be Nigeria’s highest grossing film by Funke Akindele...
Niki Akinmolayan has finally revealed the details of his upcoming movie titled “House of Secrets”, the upcoming project is described as a film noir based on...
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