Tosin Igho’s directorial debut on Prime Video, the thriller “Suspicion,” has quickly become the most-watched movie on the streaming platform. Suspicion by Igho’s 2008 short film...
Nigerian filmmaker James Abinibi’s latest directorial effort, “Life and Dirt,” has achieved remarkable success on Amazon Prime. The series has quickly risen to the top of...
The film titled “With Difficulty Comes Ease” will premiere on Prime Video soon. A production company named Nemsia Studio made the movie. “Breath of Life” is...
Do you love history movies? History buffs and fans of inspirational women, rejoice! The acclaimed biopic “Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti” is now available to stream on Prime Video....
There’s good news for fans of Nollywood family dramas! The heartwarming film “Momiwa,” directed by Biodun Stephen, is now available to stream on Prime Video. Biodun...
Starting this Thursday, February 15th, 2024, three Nigerian movies will be available to watch on Prime Video! Get ready to enjoy “L.I.F.E.,” “Hotel Lambama,” and “On...
Basketball star Giannis Antetokounmpo, of Greek-Nigerian descent, has revealed the release of his documentary film, “Giannis: The Marvelous Journey,” on Prime Video. Additionally, the Milwaukee Bucks...
Amazon Prime Video is undergoing a reorganisation of its international business, with a focus on European originals. This restructuring will involve cutting content and staff in...
Niyi Akinmolayan, CEO and founder of Anthill Studios, shared insights into his latest film project, “Rainmakers,” on Instagram. While the official trailer is pending, the documentary, exploring...
InkBlot Production’s movie, “A Weekend To Forget“, is set to begin streaming on Prime Video in January, as announced on Twitter by InkBlot. The tweet encourages...
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