Reginald Jumbo’s compelling short film “The Interrogation of Lotanna” has earned prestigious recognition with six nominations at the upcoming 2025 Film Joint Awards. The nominations span...
The BBNaija: No Loose Guard show is currently in its second week. Last week, two pairs of housemates competed in special challenges that tested their skills...
Excitement is brewing for the Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival (TINFF) Awards! This annual event, now in its 8th year, celebrates the best of Nigerian film...
The 96th Academy Awards are here. Find out which of your favourites from the biggest blockbuster movies and short films of 2023 have been nominated for...
With his incredible success in 2023, Nigerian music sensation Rema has once again created ripples on the global scene. He has been remarkably nominated six times for the highly coveted...
Just like Grammy Awards, BET Awards and so much more, Nigerian artists are still representing the country. However, the Vodafone Ghana Music Awards (VGMAs) 2023 is...
Jay-Z led the nominations for the 60th Grammy Awards, announced on Tuesday morning, with eight. He’s followed by Kendrick Lamar, whose “DAMN.” album scored seven; Bruno Mars...
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