A crime thriller film titled “Shina” has become a major hit on Netflix with Nigerian audiences. Since its debut in mid-June, “Shina” has consistently held a...
Rita Dominic is a well-known and experienced actress in the Nollywood industry. She has been acting for many years. Recently, Rita was in a movie series...
Nigerian movie lovers and “Lakatabu” lovers get ready for exciting news! The Cinema Exhibitors Association of Nigeria (CEAN) has released new data about movie performances in Nigerian...
The Nigerian government just gave another round of creative fund to support the country’s creative industries. This money comes from a special fund called the Creative...
The Nigerian box office witnessed a power shift this week, with Nollywood’s “Muri and Ko” making a surprising climb to the top. Let’s take a closer...
Exciting news for fans of historical dramas! Netflix announced the premiere date for the upcoming biopic, “House of Ga’a,” directed by Bolanle Austen-Peters. The movie will...
Stella Ikwuegbu died on Sunday, June 16, after a long battle with leg cancer. The Nollywood industry is mourning her loss as she significantly contributed to...
Nollywood star Chimezie Imo tackled two common hurdles actors face in the Nigerian film industry. One challenge Imo addressed was the tendency for actors to be...
Nollywood actor and filmmaker Odunlade Adekola has announced his new Yoruba-language movie called “Lakatabu.” The trailer for “Lakatabu” is now out. The film features Adebayo Salami,...
Kunle Afolayan, a renowned Nigerian filmmaker, has made an exciting announcement at the recent Cannes Film Festival in France. He revealed that a portion of the...
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