Tosin Igho, the film director, has announced his upcoming thriller movie titled ‘Suspicion’, which Amazon Prime will release on November 28, 2024. Igho has established himself...
Omoni Oboli’s new film, The Uprising: Wives on Strike 3, earned ₦10 million in voucher sales just two days after its release. The director made the...
The Nigerian Igbo epic film, “Ekpebiwo M, (I Have Decided),” is set to captivate audiences on November 8, 2024. The film’s official announcement has ignited excitement...
The Nollywood film “Farmer’s Bride” has achieved a milestone, grossing over ₦89 million since its release on September 27, 2024. This remarkable success made “Farmer’s Bride”...
Netflix has released the highly anticipated trailer for “Hijack ’93.” Charles Okpaleke directed this historical drama that is set to premiere on October 25, 2024. The...
Clarence Peters has unveiled a new trailer that shows his upcoming drama series “Inside Life.” The trailer gives viewers their first glimpse of an intense supernatural...
The Nollywood film, Farmer’s Bride, has achieved significant success at the box office, grossing an impressive ₦37.1 million in its opening weekend. This remarkable feat has...
Muyiwa Adesokun began his storytelling career as a poet. At first, he thought poetry and filmmaking were very different. However, he later discovered that these two...
In the first week of its release, the Netflix original film “House of Ga’a“, directed by Bolanle Austen-Peters, made the platform’s Top 10 Global Chart for...
The Netflix original film “House of Ga’a” has achieved a significant milestone. It has entered Netflix’s Top 10 global chart for non-English films. Bolanle Austen-Peters directed...
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