Tragedy has struck the Nollywood family once again with the reported passing of actress and entrepreneur Sharon Okpamen. Her colleague, movie producer Stanley Ontop, announced her...
Ruby Akubueze, a Nollywood actress, aspires to be part of any Marvel Studios project under Disney Entertainment. She gained recognition for her role as Frances in...
Today, we’re sharing vital fashion lessons for women, thanks to the ever-stylish actress, Jemima Osunde. These tips will help you slay. These are major fashion lessons we...
Nollywood actress, Abiola Adebayo just shared these photos from the scene of an accident where her car was totally wrecked. The actress who survived with only...
Nollywood actress and producer Lilian Afegbai has just launched a new project. Sharing the details of her new lingerie line “Lilly’s Secret” Lilian says, “I have always loved...
Nollywood actress Ihuoma Linda Ejiofor who is getting married has shared photos via Instagram of herself with a man whose face was covered by a hoody...
Nollywood actress, Nkechi Blessing Sunday, has apologized for a fake video of her getting engaged which has since gone viral. The actress took to her Instagram page to...
Nigerian Nollywood Actress, Yvonne Jegede Fawole has written an emotional letter to her new born child. The proud new mother shared the news of her delivery, along with...
Nollywood actress, Mercy Aigbe has acquired a new house in a choice area in Lagos. The beautiful actress took to her Instagram page to share the...
Nollywood actress, Ene Ogiri has revealed how she was poisoned by someone close to her. The actress shared pictures of her leg almost going bad with...
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