Mr. Eazi’s frequent collaborator and Super-talented Ghanaian musician – Juls, dishes yet another outstanding music titled ‘Early‘ featuring Maleek Berry and Nonso Amadi off his upcoming...
“No Gberaga” ft Endia spear heads the EP “APRIL 12th” by SpyDaMan, dropping on the 12th of April (his birthday). The song was produced by fast rising producer...
Zara Larsson’s Sundown is a song from Swedish singer Zara Larsson’s international debut album. “Sundown” has a summery vibe and it’s a collaboration with Wizkid. Listen...
Nigerian singer/rapper, Iceberg Slim is back with a remix to his wave-making single, “Wave“. This remix features Davido who was featured on the original track, Terry...
Comedian and Actor, Henry Obiefule also known as Chief Obi has revealed a new side to his versatility, branching out into music with this track titled...
Black Magic is at it again and he has officially kicked off the year with the drop of his new single titled ‘Trouble’. The song which...
Singer, Faze drops hot smoking single titled “Perfect Woman” he basis of a long lasting relationship, marriage and friendship we all know is Love, but the master key...
Fresh off the release of his banger – As I Get money featuring Patoranking, Magnito returns with yet another hit “Sikiru”. Sikiru features Tekno, and was...
Veteran indigenous rapper, Mr Raw bounces back with a new single titled ”Bongo” . The Song was produced by Regiz Beatz. Listen:
The sound boy, Timaya dishes out this song titled “Pity 4 Us”. On this one, the “Woyo” crooner has the interest of Nigerians at hand as...
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