The lone child of the Chinese emperor, Han Xuandi manages to elude a harsh prince and asks for assistance from the Gauls and two gallant warriors...
The fans of American post-apocalyptic horror thriller film “Bird Box” which featured Sandra Bullock will be thrilled to know that a follow-up of the movie will...
Fans of To all the Boys trilogy are very lucky as a spin-off titled “Xo Kitty” will be premiered on Netflix on May 18, 2023. The...
The trailer of Fast and Furious Saga final chapter “Fast X” is finally out, and the movie is filled with a lot of action and drama....
The Nollywood movie Honey Money release date has been fixed for April 28th, 2023, and will be available in various cinemas Nationwide. The movie is about...
The new week is here and it starts with a work free day. However you choose to spend the day, these are 5 Hollywood movies we...
DC Fans will be excited to know that a new superhero movie will be coming out soon and its titled “Blue Bettle”. However, the official trailer...
The Kujus are back again for more drama after the first release in 2020 and its titled “The Kujus Again”. The new instalment will be featuring...
The horror thriller is quite an eccentric movie and definitely a must watch as the kids were able to play their roles perfectly. The movie is...
Prime video is scheduled to release its first African Original movie, which highlights the rough side of Lagos state’s Isale Eko. The action crime-thriller, directed and...
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